The Night of Not Pretending.

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After we left the club that night, Lou took me home. "Sooo, Thanks for the wonderful niiiiiggghttt baaabe." I said, slurring as i cautiously hopped out of the car. "No problem, lovely! I'll do anything for you. I hope you had a wonderful time. Say, can I come in? I don't think it's quite safe for me to be driving since we did have a lot of drinks..." He put the palm of his hand on the back of his neck and rubbed it. "Sure." I said walking towards the house with a stumble. Louis followed closely behind as I walked up the the dark purple door. Turning the handle, at least I thought I did, and trying to push the door open I smacked my face straight into the door. Lou cought me as I fell backwards. "OWW! My God why do I have to be so clumbsy!" I rubbed my head as I was in pain. He just stood there, looking into my eyes as I starred back into his. "Why, why are you so gorgeous?"

We got interrupted by a phone call:

"Hello?" I said abruptly as I answered. "Where the hell are you? You were supposed to be home two hours ago!" "UHHHH MOM! We are right outside. I just smacked my head into the door. Lou wants to know if he could stay..." I winked at Lou then continued to talk, "He doesn't like to drive home late." "Sure Lou could stay." "Thanks mom, I'll be inside in a few." I hung up the phone.

"It looks like you're staying at my house for the night, I hope you don't mind." Lou nodded his head, teasing he said, "OF COURSE I MIND. haha." I fumbled my keys, but finally I opened the door. Walking in i slipped off my heels and started to head up the stairs. "Uhhm, Maria?" Lou said, "Where am I going to sleep?" I stopped going up the stairs and turned around. "I guess you are just going to have to sleep with me. Unless you would feel more comfortable on the floor or maybe even the couch?" Lou smirked and giggled from my answer. "Is your bed comfy?" "Well why don't we just go and find out..?" I ran up the stairs and to the left. The carpet was soft as it brushed against my feet. The sweet smell of fruit and alcohol swept through the air as Louis entered my bedroom. "Nice Orange bedroom, love." He said taking a glance around. "Thanks." I said pulling out a big shirt to put on for bed. "You're a huge One Direction fan ehh...?" I'm guessing he got this idea from looking at all the posters on the wall. "Yeah, I may be 17... but I still and will always ship Mouis. Just because it sounds absolutely freaking hilarious." Lou laughed and looked down. "Mouis, Mouis... I like it." He laughed. Taking my clothes off to replace them with the big T-Shirt, Louis sat in the corner of my room. "Your room is huge," He said trying to make conversation, "When I was little... I was lucky enough to have a room the size of a closet." I pulled the covers back as I got into bed. I patted the right side, signaling for Lou to come lay and sleep. On the way over to the bed, He took his shirt off. I couldn't help but stare and bite my lip. Then he continued with his shoes, socks then pants. 'HOLY MOTHER OF GOD' I thought to myself as I sat there looking like a lost puppy, whimpering for love. "Oh My God , I can't. I just Can't." I laid down in bed and turned off the light so that I could no longer see the amazing body of Louis, the forever sexy man from heaven. I felt the bed shift as Lou got in. He scooted closer, placing his hand around my waist and whispering, "Goodnight, love." Sexily in my hear. Shaking I replied with a quick, "Goodnight." and patted his head with my soft hand. I swear he kept scooting closer and closer within every five minutes. I was so nervous that I couldn't stop shaking. "You still awake, babe?" He said. I glanced at the bright pink numbers on my clock that read '4:30am'. "Yeah," I flipped over to face him. His hand was still placed upon my waist, "Wanna play a game?" I said focusing on his facial expression to see if he really wanted to play a game or not. "Anything with you babe. What game?" "How about 20 questions?" Lou paused, "Sure! Can I start? Too bad I'm going to anyways ahha. So Maria, What's your favorite song?" "Scream by Usher, he's a legend. Sorry if my questions get personal, but what happened between you and El? You guys were like perfection." "Babe we were anything but. She I guess didn't like all the hate she was getting. I wouldn't either, if I was her. We are just taking a break... Who was your first? I'm guessing your not a virgin?" I blushed. "Actually...."

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry. I didn't know...." "haha it's alright, I'm waiting for the right guy.. You know?" Lou kissed me. "I know babe, I know..." I flipped back over in bed, "well goodnight for real," I heard Louis whisper something so faint, that I could barely hear him. "I love you too.." I said, not knowing what he actually said. I fell asleep with his hands still placed gentley upon my hips. "Sleep soundly, love."


I woke up an hour later, finding Louis basically on top of me. I tried to push him off but that apparently wasn't working. "LOUIS" I yelled trying to wake him, but he was in a deep sleep. I kissed his lips and watched his eyes peel open. "FINALLY!" I laughed, "can you get off of me? I kind of have to use the bathroom." "Sorry love." Lou climbed off of me and fell back asleep. I used the restroom and came back to bed. Lou was facing towards the other way. I laid down and played with his messy hair. "Babe..." "yes..?" "What are you doing?" I busted out laughing. "Nothing babe, just admiring your pretty hair and stuff." I smiled as my hands are now running down his back, feeling every crease and indent. "Your back is so muscular!" He smirked and flipped around, "I know... it turns girls on ahah. You are very muscluar yourself." He took my hand and placed it on his shoulder. Facing face to face, he once again pressed his lips against mine. But this time, was different. I wrapped my legs around his torso. "You know.." I began, "I'm really starting to fall for you."

*Knock Knock Knock*


"Oh God," I said to Lou. 'It's my mom." I got out of bed and opened the door pushing my flowy hair out of the way of my face. I stood in the door space closing me between the door and the door frame. "Good morning mom! How are you?" "I'm good darling! Thanks. Where is Lou, I thought you said he was staying over..." "Oh hes in bed still sleeping." "He slept with you?" "Yeah...why?" "You know the rules of the house." "Mom, we didn't do anything!" "And how do I know that, Maria?" "Mom, I'm still a virgin. If I wasn't I would tell you. Now if you will excuse me, I'm going to go lay back down with LOU. because I'm HUNGOVER." I slammed the door shut. "Oh my god, I'm probably going to be grounded now, Louis. She thinks I had sex with you... I mean who wouldn't but... Oh my god, did I?" Louis crossed his arms as he sat up in bed, "Maybe you did, Maybe you didn't. I'm just playing. Honestly... I don't remember either..."

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