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Brendon's POV:

I sit across from y/n at a small restaurant near ours with our little four year old daughter at the end of the table.

She sits on a cushion as she's a bit too small to reach the table and she is beaming at y/n and I.

Truthfully, Maya was an accident. Neither y/n or I wanted kids ever but I guess sometimes things don't pan out the way you expect.

Y/n had a tough time when she found out she was having Maya. She kept her a secret for three months until she started showing. That's when Dallon noticed and I confronted her. Y/n said she didn't want to lose me and that's why she didn't tell me but I promised to stand by her throughout the pregnancy and Maya's life.

We swore down that we would never have kids again after Maya was born. We aren't really kiddy people but we all make happy accidents.

Maya has always been a good kid though. She does as she's told, is polite and looks out for other people.

We would never go back or change the past but we definitely don't want any other kids.

Maya is swinging her legs under the table and drinking out of a little juice carton whilst y/n and I talk.

"Dallon is coming around next Saturday to come stay with us." I say.

"Yay! Uncle Dallon! Will he bring me some sweeties?" Maya asks, batting her pretty eyes at me.

"I don't know pumpkin, we'll have to see." I smile.

Dallon has always been great with Maya. He showed y/n and I how to properly look after a baby after Maya was born as we were pretty useless. We knew all the basics but Dallon helped up baby proof the house and told us what foods are best to feed a toddler.

He's been a great help.

"I've not seen Dallon in a while, how's he doing?" Y/n asks me.

"He's good. He's done a bit of traveling recently. Went to Europe for a fortnight." I say.

"Oh cool. I'm so jealous though," y/n pouts, "We'll have to go on a family holiday soon. We haven't left the state since Maya was born."

"Somewhere really warm mummy." Maya smiles, excitedly.

"Maybe we could go to Florida or Spain soon." I suggest.

"Ooh yeah, that sounds good." Y/n says with a big smile.

She kisses me from across the table and even now I still blush.

She honestly is so beautiful. She passed on her amazing good looks to Maya as she is such a pretty, angelic little girl. Y/n always looks stunning, even in just casual clothes; I'm so lucky.

We eat our meals talking about where we'd like to go on holiday and we settle for Spain.

"Daddy, what's in Spain?" Maya asks, picking her sandwich apart and just eating the bread.

"There's pretty beaches with white sand and warm seas. Beautiful blue skies and exotic nature everywhere. There's lots of fishies in the water you can say hi too and its super warm." I explain.

"Will the fishies bite me?" She asks, frightened.

"No, they'll swim up beside you, say hello and swim away again." I say.

"Then I'll chase them and pat them on the head." She smiles.

I don't think she quite understands the concept of fish.

"I mean, I wouldn't pat one but you do you." I mumble.

"Mummy, will you play with the fishies with me?" Asks Maya, sucking her thumb.

House of Memories {Brendon Urie x Reader One Shots}Where stories live. Discover now