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I got this from a Fall Out Boy imagines but I'm not sure which one or who by :)

Brendon's POV:

The gentle rocking of my bed and discontent mumbles awaken me at a random hour.

"Y/N," I groan sleepily, "Stop it."

"Not my fault I can't sleep." She huffs, rolling over some more.

"Well some of us can, stop it." I sigh, burying my head in my pillow.

"Sorry." She mutters.

Hearing her sigh even more makes me feel bad and so I turn to face her and pull her into me.

"I'm sorry for being moody." I say.

"It's fine, I just can't sleep at all." She replies.

In the dark, the faint moonlight shines on her face and I can already see the dark bags forming under her eyes.

"Come on, let's get up and I'll tire you out." I say.

"That sounds kinky." She whispers with a laugh.

"I didn't mean it to," I respond, "I'm taking you out, come on." I say, pulling her up in bed.

"But I'm tired. I want to sleep but I can't." She pouts.

"Right well I'm gonna make you sleep." I say indignantly.

With a frown, she heaves herself out of bed and throws on one of my shirts with some sweatpants for comfort.

I just throw on a pair of pants and grab a jumper from my drawers before I take my girlfriends hand and drag her outside to the car.

"Where are we going?" She mumbles.

"To tire you out." I reply simply.

"Yeah I know, that's all you keep saying but what is our destination?" She asks.

"Somewhere." I reply.

"Screw you." She smiles.

"I'd love to." I grin.

"Horny 24/7 honestly." Y/N sighs.

After about ten minutes, we pull up to a 24 hour gas station.

"What are we doing here?" She asks.

"Having fun." I shrug.

"Right... at a gas station?" She questions.

"Not that type of fun goddamnit. You call me the horny one." I exclaim.

"I'm joking!" She laughs, holding her arms up in surrender.

I take her hand as we step out of our car and head into the moderately sized building.

We first head to the slush machine and fill two giant cups with the icy delight and quickly drink them, getting an instant sugar rush.

"This might be illegal." I whisper to y/n

"What might be illegal?" She hisses

"Trashing a gas station." I reply with a goofy smirk.

"Brendon!" She exclaims.

"Are you two looking for something?" The store clerk asks.

"Erm, actually yes," I smile, "Do you have any really strong liquor?"

Y/N sends a confused glance in my direction as, despite my love for liquor, I have plenty of the burning substances at home.

"I may have some in the back." He indicates over his shoulder.

"Yes, that'd be perfect thanks." I grin.

The second the store clerk leaves, I grab a toy gun worth a dollar and toss it at y/n. I then take one for myself and tell her to take cover.

"First to get shot loses." I call from my secure place by the fridge.

"Well prepare to lose you horny bastard." She calls.

"That's it." I mutter before cocking the 'gun' and peaking around the corner.

A small whistle sounds and I duck behind cover just as the little red dart flies past me.

"You missed!" I call triumphantly.

I look over the aisle and see y/n's foot poking out from behind the chewing gum stand.

As I take aim, a dart flies directly at me and hits my ear.

"What the- how the hell did you do that?" I question as I look back to where I thought y/n was.

She shows me her shoeless foot and I realise she tricked me.

"Motherfucker." I say with a smirk.

Quickly, I grab a can of soda from the fridge, fizz it up and throw it at her, praying it'll burst. To my surprise, it goes to plan and the sugary liquid spins through the air and decorated not only y/n but an entire aisle in the store.

The feminine hygiene products are doused in cola as my girlfriend stands in shock.

"No sex for a week." She threatens.

"As if, you couldn't last that long!" I sneer.

"You want to bet?" She says, arms folded.

So that's how I went an entire week with no sex. Not just no sex, this meant no teasing, no hickeys, I wasn't even allowed to touch her thigh. On top of all that, Pete had to bail me and y/n out of jail at three in the morning for vandalism.

Thanks Pete

tHaNkS peTe

I'll try and find the FOB preferences this was from but I read so many I lose track.

Don't forget requests, my dms are always open.


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