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This is a sequel to 'Alone' so probs read that first.

Plot- its thundering really bad so you and your now husband, Brendon, are cuddling on the couch coz why tf not? Also your five months pregnant bc babies!

Side note- I don't like babies

Brendon's POV:

Its been a year since y/n and I got married and we have done so much! We spent a full month in Australia on honeymoon before coming home for a while and then proceeding to venture across America and to Europe. That was also when I accidentally got y/n pregnant. I can't be blamed, we were just doing what any normal married couple would do!

We've been having really bad weather recently and been getting tons of thunder storms. Since being pregnant, y/n has gotten quite jumpy. She never usually jumps at thunder storms, in fact, she used to run outside and jump in the puddles, but the baby has changed that. Now the sound of thunder makes y/n paranoid so we've stayed in the house a lot recently since the weather has been dreadful.

Today has been a really bad day for weather. It started early this morning when the sky stayed dark and rained lightly. By noon, the garden was flooded and the humid air grew even stuffier.

"I think there's a storm on its way." I said.

Y/N had looked at me sadly as she was huddled under a blanket from the cold.

"It's alright, I'll be here with you." I said.

"I miss going playing in the rain, it was fun." She pouted.

"I know you do but its not good when you get paranoid at the slightest clap of thunder." I explain softly.

So, for the rest of the day, we have been pigging out on all the food from our cupboards. We have crisps (chips), sweets, chocolate and even takeaway pizza. Before the thunder began I ran down to the pizza shop for us both.

We were watching Marley and Me but it's currently paused right near the end because y/n burst into tears when they said Marley won't make it.

"Aw love, its ok, the dog is ill," I explain, holding her close, "It's old and you've seen that it has had a good life."

"B-but they're gonna kill it." She sobs sadly.

"I know but they're just saving it really, it would've died anyway." I say.

"Its really sad though, I don't want them to kill a dog!" She sighs.

"Don't think this was the best film for an emotional pregnant woman was it?" I ask.

"I'm not emotional!" She frowns between sniffs.

"Yeah, you keep telling yourself that." I say with my arm still around her.

We end up resting on the couch, me lay on the cushions and y/n on top of me, a blanket covering both of us.

She is starting to drift off to sleep and I slowly stroke her arm to soothe her. Just as she was settling, her hands resting at the base of her bump, a loud rumble of thunder echoed through our house, making her jump.

"Shh, its OK baby, I'm here." I say.

"I don't like it Bren." She whispers.

"I know, it'll all be over soon, I promise." I reply.

"I don't know how you put up with me, your the best." She says.

A small grin slips onto my face as I hold her close to me. I really do love her.

Another sounding of thunder goes off and the lightning illuminates our room. I feel y/n go stiff and I try to help her relax.

Slowly, I place my hands on her stomach and sing softly to her:

You and I
We don't wanna be like them
We can make it 'til the end
Nothing can come between
You and I

Her tense posture relaxes as I quietly sing the song by One Direction (I want to be back in 2013 OK)

Her hands meet mine, which are still resting on her belly, and she interlocks her fingers with mine.

At the next boom of thunder, she doesn't jump as much and I smile.

"See? Its going away." I tell her.

"Good." She replies.

We remain settled for a bit before both y/n and I gasp at the same time. She lightly sits herself up from on me and places a hand on her stomach.

"D-did you feel that?" She asks.

I'm still in complete awe at what just happened.

"Brendon! The baby's kicking!" She squeals in delight.

"I-I felt it! W-woah." I gasp.

Excitedly, she grabs both my hands and rests them on her stomach where I feel tiny movements.

"That's our baby!" I say.

"Oh my god! Its our baby!" She says, tears in her eyes.

Thunder sounds again but y/n doesn't even flinch this time as she is overcome with joy and content.

I feel my own eyes filling with tears as we feel the baby continue to kick.

"You've no idea how weird this feels Brendon." She mumbles.

"I can only imagine." I laugh.

Y/N then leans into me and presses her lips delicately against mine, "I love you so much and I'm so glad that me, you and our baby get to spend the rest of our lives together."

Wrapping my arms around her waist, I reply, "I love you both so much too."

This was cringe and probably really uncomfortable to read.

I always cry at any film with an injured animal which is why I can't watch Marley and Me and A Dogs Purpose coz I just cry lmao...


House of Memories {Brendon Urie x Reader One Shots}Where stories live. Discover now