Quality Time (Elizabeth's POV)

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"Well, Elizabeth, I think I can speak for both Pete and I when I say that I'm glad we met you!" Patrick said.

"Basically," Pete laughed.

"I'm glad I met the two of you too," I blushed.

"We should all get together sometime this week or something and have a little party in your honor!" Pete suggested.

"I'm not that important guys," I shrugged.

"Do I have to tell you why you're so important again?" dad asked.

"No," I said.

"Because you are important, Lib," Joe said, wrapping his arm around my shoulder.
"Thanks," I smiled.
"Well, we're going to steal your little girl back for the night," Patrick said.
"Alright," Andy laughed.
"I love you daddies!" Summer said as she ran to Joe and Andy.
"I love you too, baby girl," they both said as they hugged her.
"And I love you," Summer said as she wrapped her arms around me.
"Aww," I said, not being able to help myself from smiling. "I love you too."

Summer eventually went back to Pete and Patrick, then we said goodbye again and drove off. The three of us talked endlessly until Andy suggested we stop at the video store and rent a few movies. Joe and I happily agreed, so Andy drove towards the video store, arriving there shortly after. We jumped out of the vehicle, then ran to the entrance, all of us trying to beat one another. I totally won. Once we got inside, we caught or breath while we laughed, which didn't help much.

"Ok, Lib, feel free to just roam around and pick out like three movies," Andy said.
"Thanks," I smiled.

Andy and Joe walked down an aisle together, where as I went to the completely opposite side of the store. I went directly to the comedy movies. After looking for a little while, I settled on Scary Movie 5, A Haunted House, and Epic Movie. I always liked funny movies. After I had gotten my movies, I walked around the store, which was bigger than it seemed, to try an find Joe and Andy. I finally found them a few minutes later.

"Hey Lib!" Joe smiled. "Find some good movies?"
"Yeah, here," I said as I smiled back.
"Dude, A Haunted House is freaking hilarious!" Andy said.
"And and I rented it after it came to the stores and we died, oh my god," Joe said, making me laugh.
"I'm thinking I'll like it then," I smiled. "You guys get any movies?"
"Yeah," Andy smiled. "Borat and The Dictator. Amazing movies!"
"I've heard of those! They sounded good," I said.
"Hopefully we won't be disappointed," Joe smirked. "Now, after you ma'lady and we shall check out."
"Alright," I laughed.

I meandered my way to the check out with Andy and Joe following close behind me. The lady behind me smiled and said hello, so I did the same. I put my movies up on the counter, then Andy put his and Joe's up there too. Andy and the girl conversed and the girl was clearly trying to make a move on Andy. Joe and I had our backs to the two of them just listening and dying of silent laughter. Both Joe and I could tell Andy was getting annoyed by the time of his voice, which of course only made the two of us laugh harder.

"Joe, babe, you got another dollar?" Andy asked, putting emphasis on the "babe".
"Yeah, here, love," Joe said, handing Andy a dollar.

Joe and I looked back at the lady behind the counter after their fun and you could clearly see she was upset and disappointed. It was kind of funny actually. Andy paid, then we grabbed the movies and left. As we climbed into the vehicle, I decided I should be a smartass.

"What the heck dad? The girl wasn't your type?" I asked.
"Yeah, I mean you always want girls like that," Joe smirked.
"Hey, guess what you guys," Andy said, pulling out of the parking lot.
"What?" Joe and I smirked.
"Fuck you," Andy said.
"Love you too," Joe and I both said as we laughed.
"Now, I'm just thinking out loud here, but I think we should head to Walmart and get some popcorn, soda, and candy," Andy said.
"Is that even a question?" I asked.
"No, it was a declarative sentence," Andy said.
"Babe, you're a fucking smartass," Joe said, taking Andy's hand in his.
"And it's all for you," Andy replied.
"Guyssss," I whined.
"Whatttt?" Joe whined back.
"Stop being all mushy," I said.
"You'll love it when you find someone someday," Andy smiled at me through the rear view mirror.
"Doubt that'll happen," I said.
"Stop being so negative, hun," Joe said.

I let out a little chuckle, then looked out the window as Andy drove down the busy streets of Milwaukee. After a little while longer, we pulled into the Walmart parking lot. Andy parked, then the three of us hopped out.

"Last one to the door is a rotten egg!" Joe shouted as he ran.
"Hey! No fair!" Andy shouted.
"Joseph! I swear to god!" I shouted, taking after Andy and Joe.

I finally caught up to them, then passed them. I was the first one to the door and if I do say so myself, I felt pretty damn proud of myself.

"How the hell is that even possible?" Joe asked, catching his breath.
"Track. Two years," I smirked.
"Would have been nice to know beforehand," Andy said.
"You didn't ask," I said.
"She's got a point, And," Joe smirked.
"I swear to god," Andy said, reaching over to smack Joe's shoulder.
"Don't we have some food and whatnot to get?" I asked.
"Good point," Joe said.

The three of us walked into Walmart and I instantly froze. Not literally, but I felt like I did. I have severe social anxiety and I hate going to public places. I haven't told Andy though. It's kind of embarrassing. I just walked silently behind Joe and Andy as they walked towards the back of the store. We got to the aisle with the popcorn and candy, then grabbed what we wanted. After that, we walked to where the soda was. We grabbed some of that as well, then made our way to the check outs. After we had checked out, I let out a sigh of relief as we walked out of the store.

"You ok?" Andy asked.
"What? O-Oh yeah," I said.
"You sure?" he asked.
"Umm, I'll talk to you about it later," I said.
"Alright" Andy smiled, wrapping his arm around me.

I couldn't help but smile. I put my arm around his waist and laid my head against his side. I actually had a dad now, so I was going to take full advantage of it for as long as I could. The three of us got to the vehicle and hopped in.

"Hey, you have your phone with you, right?" Andy asked.
"Yeah, why?" I asked.
"Wanna play some tuneage?" he asked.
"Tuneage?" I laughed.
"You know, some jamssss," Andy said, doing a little dance.
"And you actually want to be seen with him in public, Joe?" I asked.
"Sometimes I question that," Joe responded.
"Asshole!" Andy said. "Anyway, here."
"Thanks," I said, taking the cord and plugging it into my phone.

I scrolled through my music, then finally decided on Mariana's Trench's song "Truth or Dare". I freaking love them so much.

"It's as easy as one, two, three, do you see what I do? Truth or dare, yes I double dare you. You, you, me, now I think you got it. One last breath and just spin the bottle now," Andy quietly sang along.
"Oh, Andy likes Mariana's Trench?" I asked.
"Maybe a little," Andy admitted, estimating how much by using his fingers.
"I found out new things about you everyday," Joe said.
"Here, I think you'll like this one, Joe," I said, switching the song to "Black Box Remedy" by With Knives, which was Joe's band.
"Andy, Libbie has amazing taste in music," Joe said.
"I try," I smirked.

The rest of the ride home was full of laughing, singing, and just plain weirdness. I'm so glad I felt comfortable with Joe and Andy.

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