Let Me Explain (Elizabeth's POV)

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"You still doing ok?" Andy asked me from the front seat.

"Yeah," I said. "My head still hurts, but other than that, I'm ok. I didn't mean to scare you."

"I was worried, that's all. I want my kids to be safe at all times," Andy said. "I just want to figure out what happened, is all."

"I kind of do too," Joe said.

"Maybe we can talk about it once we get home," Andy suggested.

"Sounds good to me," I smiled, even though they couldn't see me.

After driving for another five minutes, we finally arrived home. We got out and walked into the house. It was a little after midnight, I think. Joe and I walked into the living room, while Andy went and got me a glass of water, handing it to me once he came back inside.

"Ok, do you remember, like, feeling anything before that happened?" Andy asked.

"I think I actually know why it happened..." I said.

"You do?" they both asked.

"Yeah... What I think it is has been happening to me periodically since about three years ago, so when I was twelve," I said.

"What is it?" Andy asked.

"Well, basically, I've been having this recurring nightmare that, um... That mom is coming after me and beating me and things like that. After a little bit of that, she leaves me against the wall. She knows I won't run away, so that's why she just gets up and walks away. Anyway, a little bit later, she comes back into the room and kneels down beside me. She says that I have potential, but it's a shame that it has to get cut short. She tells me she loves me, then the next thing I know, she's putting a gun to my head, pulling the trigger, and then I see nothing but black," I explained, nearly in tears.

"Oh my god," Andy and Joe both said as they covered their mouths with their hand.

"I-I don't know why it happens," I lied.

"Are you sure?" Joe asked.

"Y-Yeah," I said.

Andy gave me a weird look, then looked at Joe. The three of us sat there in awkward silence for a few more minutes before anyone spoke.

"Libbie, I swear to god if Natalie has done anything like that to you, I'll have her behind bas faster than you can say no. You do not deserve that. I'm going to fucking protect you if it's the last thing I ever do. I care about you, Summer, and Joe so much and I'd take a bullet for any of you any day. I love you all so much with all of my heart and I don't think I could live with myself if I ever failed any of you. You are all so special to me, definitely more than I'll ever let you know," Andy explained, gripping Joe's hand tightly in the process.

"Dad, I know you do. I love you a lot. Things that have happened or whatever previously in my life weren't your fault. All I care about now is that I'm safe with you and Joe. You guys are so amazing, especially for having all of this just dumped on your porch, literally. You both are more than I could ever ask for. And having a sister as amazing as Summer is just a major plus in this situation," I said. "I love you guys."

Andy and Joe both smiled, then stood up and hugged me. Our group hug seemed to have lasted forever, but it was only a few minutes. After that, we decided that we should head to bed. Joe told me to come in there and wake either of them up if I needed anything, or to just shout from my room. I chuckled at that, but he said he was serious. I knew he was. With that, the three of us went to bed.

Once I got into my room, I closed the door gently behind me and slid down against it, sitting on the floor. I held my head in my hands and shook my head. I want to tell Andy, I really do, but I'm afraid of what he'll do to my mom. As much as I cannot stand her, there's always that little part in you that loves them, even though you don't want to. I can't tell him.

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