Bonnie And Clyde

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I woke up to my phone ringing on my nighstand. Groaning, I rubbed my eyes, simply ignoring it as I turned back around. But when it didn't stop though, my hand reached out to grab it. Once I read Jake across the screen, I pushed it back into the sheets. It was nothing too important. No, actually it wasn't Jason or Nancy so I couldn't care less. Turning the other way, I squeezed my eyes shut, fighting to go back to sleep.

My eyes shot open once I realized it was thursday which means I had school. And just school. Taking a glance on the clock, it already read 7:25 AM. Too late for my liking. Fucking too late. I jumped up, throwing the blanket off my body. I cursed under my breath, groaning every once in a while. How could I be so dumb? I grabbed my phone, looking for Nancys contact. Waiting for her to pick up, I tried to dress myself with one hand.

"Hello?" She answered as I heard a door slam shut. So she probably just got into the car. Great. "Nancy?" I breathed out, fighting with the jeans I decided to wear in 0.2 seconds. "Yes?" She answered, confusion lingering in her voice. "Can you pick me up? I completely overslept." I whined, trying to get the zipper up. She laughed, obviously and shamelessly amused with my helpless frame. "Yeah. I will be there in 10. Okay?" She chuckled as I ran my hand through my messy morning hair.

"Thank God, yes!" I cheered, hanging up on her since I wanted to put on some make up as well. When I finished, I ran into the bathroom, brushing my teeth, fixing my mascara and putting on a shirt. Since I was in a hurry, I completely failed at putting it on but don't blame me. After 10 minutes, I grabbed my bag and ran down the stairs. Making my way into the kitchen, I put an apple into my bag before biting my lip.

Should I?

I stared at the jacket Jason told me to keep until next time. There was a strong need to wear it yet I didn't want any people in our business. I was aware that being in an open relationship, a lot of people would make up rumors and talk behind your back just to get the both of you broken up. And I didn't want that. But why the hell did I even think about such things when we weren't dating? He wasn't mine and I wasn't his either even when he made it sound like it.

Shrugging off my sorrows and regrets, I grabbed Jasons jacket and put it on when I made my way to the door. "In a hurry?" A familiar voice asked as Toms head peaked over the couch. I gulped, my hands starting to shake. There was a murderer sitting on my couch and my dad was fine with it? He let him in even though he knew he killed someone; even though he knew he tore someones family apart; even though he didn't know if he would touch his daughter?

But Tom would never touch me. I was sure of it.

"Kinda" I replied, putting on some shoes when Nancys car arrived in our driveway. Saved by God and well, Nancy. I quickly rushed out of the door, leaving him behind. I didn't want to talk to him. And I didn't want him to be my problem. After all, he was my family but I couldn't consider someone as family when he destroyed someones life I really adored. And that someone is none other than Jason. My Jason. And I kinda loved the sound of that already.

Once I got into my best friends car, she smirked widely. "What?" I asked, chuckling softly. She shrugged her shoulders as I bit my lip. "Is there something about Lucas you want to tell me?" I teased, a huge smirk played on my lips. She laughed, looking at me like a four year old. It was adorable and I was proud of Lucas he wasn't an asshole.

"He is so cute!" She squeaked, still smiling. Laughing over her choice of words, I ran a hand through my messy hair. "What did he do?" I asked, kind of curious of what he had done. She stopped at a red light, turning her head towards me, "Bunch of roses. And when I say a bunch of roses, I talk about a bunch of roses." She stated when I chuckled. "So you both good yeah?" I questioned even though I didn't need to. The answer was right in front of me in her eyes.

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