Bronx' Finest

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Wanna hang? Sorry, Jason gave me ur number :) - Dennis x

I groaned as I rubbed my eyes. Never in my life I wanted to sleep so badly, even though I already slept for like 10 hours since it was 10:48 AM. But hey could you blame me? It was saturday for Gods sake! Rolling my eyes, I remembered why I wanted to sleep so desperately. May I blame everything on Jason? I was starting to become really tired of him.

Sure. I need to buy some book anyways, wanna come with me? :)

No doubt I liked Dennis. He was funny and actually chill. I didn't know anything else about him though but the fact that his family died when he was eight years old. Oh and that he likes Hip Hop. Cough, how funnier could I become?

Of course. I pick u up in 30 and we'll chill over at mine? We could grab some food then too when we getting ur book :p

Laughing at him planning our afternoon, I stood up wanting to wash my hair since he wanted to pick me up in 30 minutes. That's probably a problem for any girl out there. To get ready in 30 fucking minutes. I'm happy if I'm able to get out of bed. 

Deal :p Pick me up a little further away from mine so my parents wont see :)

Throwing my phone onto my bed, I quickly showered. Oh how I loved morning showers. Hot morning showers. Don't twist it, though. Dressing myself and doing my hair, I quickly ran downstairs when I already noticed my lovely parents.

"Hey mum." I mumbled while grabbing some orange juice, "Goodmorning. I want to remind you that you're still grounded, young lady." She spoke as I swallowed hard. "I just wanted to go shopping a little? You know, I need a new book..." I trailed off, as I eyed my dad who was already furrowing his eyebrows at me. 

"I'm sure your mother wont mind ordering it online." He growled, looking back down as he continued to read an article. Shaking my head, I bit my lip. "No. I could just get it so you wouldn't be so stressed you know with your job going on and stuff..." I trailed off once again, a little scared of them.

My mom would be away for the next two weeks just like my father. Not something I wasn't used to. It probably happened every two months. You see, my parents just put their work in front of everything else. Our family probably too.

She sighed as she nodded her head causing me to scream out of joy inside, "Fine. But you'll be back at 5." I quickly agreed before running outside, grabbing my phone and calling Dennis.

"Yo cutie!" He yelled making me almost scream in shock. Stupid dick. "Oh god are you serious!?" I yelled, laughing once I heard him cracking up. "Whatever doll, where you at?" I licked my lips once I saw a car a couple of meters away from me. I was about to tell him when he beat me to it, "Oh gotcha!" 

Having no chance to reply, he ended the call and slowly drove towards me. I smiled when I got in, noticing his car wasn't as messy as Jasons. 

"Heyo." Dennis started, bumping his fist into mine. I smirked, "Yo yo, whattup?" Laughing at my choice of words, he shook his head, "You know, this whole bad Hip Hop act is ugly on you, no offense!" I faked a gasp, twirling a strand of hair with my fingers, "Excuse me?"

Chuckling, he shrugged while smirking, "Truth is painful, I know." I laughed, getting comfortable when I bit my lip. "Are we staying at yours?" 

Dennis nodded his head, "Yeah well, you know... We... My gang, I mean, we're practically living together in those big mansion." He glanced at me, licking his lips, "Probably not that big for you since you're... You know... Rich." He mumbled the last part, hoping I wouldn't hear it.

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