Unkissed Cigarettes

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Stuffing the black OBEY hoodie into my bag, I checked myself once more in the mirror. It was one of those usual mondays on which you didn't want to get out of bed at all. It was just too comfortable and I'd rather kill myself than stepping out of my huge territory. Sighing, I grabbed my bag and made my way downstairs.

"Good morning, sweetheart." My dad greeted me as he kissed my cheek. "Your mother is already out for work and I'm about to leave as well. We'll be back later tonight." He explained when I grabbed an apple. I needed to eat something since I was literally starving. "Oh and Milena?" My dad started as he eyed me up and down, "Remember to immediately come home after school." Giving me a serious and strong glare, he raised his eyebrows making me gulp. I simply nodded, eating my apple in silence.

— Flashback —  

"What the hell is your problem!?" I yelled at the devil in front of me, throwing his stuff around. Jason shrugged, "You seemed to feel uncomfortable in that dress so I thought I'd help you out." I scoffed, "My parents are going to kill me. I promised to be home at 11PM and now it's fucking 9AM." I mumbled to myself, grabbing my hair.

"Not my problem. You decided to be a bitch and get out of my car." He answered, throwing the blanket off his frame. My eyes glanced at his muscular body before glaring at him. He smirked, noticing my stare. "That's because you were a mean something." I stood my point, tugging down my black dress.

Laughing at my comment, he hold his stomach, "A mean something? That's all you got, babydoll?" I scoffed once again, not amused by this at all. Trying to avoid his glance, I stared on the wall, hoping I'd be out of this very soon.

"Can you give me a hoodie or something at least? So I can put it over my dress?" I mumbled, still tugging it down. I felt his eyes travel down my body until he saw the problem: It was simply too short. That's why I was wearing a lace one over it. Was being the operative word.

I looked up, seeing him smirk widely. Standing up, he slowly but surely made his way over to me causing me to gulp. With his hands roaming my waist, he licked his lips and looked down at me. "I'm sure I'm able to fix your problem in another way." He growled, his fingertips slowly pulling my dress up.

I hit his hands causing him to take them away, "I think a hoodie would be fine, thanks." Rolling his eyes, he pushed me a little backwards as he grabbed a hoodie from behind me, his bare chest pressing against mine. Throwing a black hoodie at me, he ran his hand through his beautiful locks.

No matter how much I couldn't stand him at this moment, he still was a handsome man.

Clearing my throat, I threw the hoodie over my small frame as I fixed my hair. "Can you give me a ride home, please?" I softly asked, my fingers fumbling with the hoodie that was longer than my dress. Thankfully.

He scoffed, "Use those sexy legs and walk yourself home, babe." I winced at his harsh voice when suddenly my eyes welled up with tears. I've never felt so uncomfortable and unwelcome in my whole life. Not mentioning that this guy was a couple of years older and it was his house. It seemed like I was a lost puppy.

"I..." I started, taking a deep breath, still not looking up from the ground, "I don't even know where I am as in I have no idea where you live. Means, I have no idea how to get home." My voice was a little shaky as a tear rolled down my cheek.

Groaning, he grabbed some white shirt as he turned to me, "You better hurry the fuck up unless you want your parents to see you like this." He eyed me up and down making me frown. Biting my tongue to not answer on this one, I made my way to the other door in his room which I assumed to be his bathroom.

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