Togetherness and Meeting

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This chapter is in Vitya's POV
Also he seems extremely happy now but you'll see what happens at the meeting. ;)
A clock strung, creating an elastic noise throughout the hospital I am constricted to. I looked down to see my sleeping beauty, pricking my eyes with watery beads. My grip tightened around him as I dug my face into his chest, gripping his shirt wailing.
"Yuriiiii....", I wailed like a baby, choking.
Looking up at him, I stroked his cheek.
"I'm never going to leave you again, no one is to be trusted." My face flushed of colour, peering at him. A sinking feeling lingered in my throat, making my mouth twitch a little. Shifting my drained eyes to Yuri; I remember he has always been a heavy sleeper, how cute.
Promptly, he stirred, "V-Victor good morning. How are you today? His voice was crusty and worrying. I probably woke him with my mewling.
"I'm sorry! I bothered your sleep. I-i-"
He placed his saintly finger on my lips, shushing me.
"Victor, you didn't bother me at all. I love you~"
All I could utter was, "Ah."
My head dipped, hair creating a deep shadow on my eyes.
He is the foremost, optimal person the world.
I love him, I love him, I love him.
He can only be loved by me.
Resting my back on the bed, I stared at my love. He was talking with a dis-couraging doctor about, possibly, renting a room in the hospital for the supposed 'meeting'.?
Maybe. This is a terrible idea? I don't really know, my mind is fuzzy. I'm still unsure about other people, how do I know they won't hurt me?
I don't.
I'll never know if I'll be forcibly damaged again.
People are discriminating, sexist existing things that thrive to destroy others. Unless the angelic clones of Yuri take over the world, or something...
This is gonna take a while for him to finish. Approaching me swiftly,he gives me my pain-killers giving me a confident smile. Attractive.
Only Yuri can look after me the special way he does. In his own unique way.
Yawning, my wrists and eye-lids numbed forcing me to sleep. Sleeping pills? Before I could make sense of the question darkness over came me.
Stretching my eyes, I buckled my back to wake yours truly.
Bdum Bdum
My heartbeat quickened from the atypical lifestyle I'd... been used to.
Intentionally I slapped my head.
"I want to go home!"
"Ah! Viktor? Please don't do that!"
Yuri was sprinting towards my bed, cupping my face.
I'm in trouble.
"Am I in trouble?"
Before me Yuri gave a distorted look with his brow crinkling. I licked my lips as from the long anticipation they parched.
"Trouble...? No, what? I know what they did but I'd never-"
Yuri just sighed turning away.
"I love you!"
He froze turning around smiling back at me, "I love you too."
I shifted forward to lean closer as he got off the bed.
"What time is the meeting? How am I going to cope, stay by my side." My question turned into more of a demand.
"O-oh, its in a hour I wanted you to have a lay in so you'd be more awake for the reunion."
I hummed, "That's a kind thought."
Then I pulled Yuri towards me, cupping his face.
"Viktor, your eyes are like bulbs when they light up." He gave a light laugh, soft hair tufts smoothed over his face but moved when I shoved my face against him. It became softer, because I don't want to hurt my treasure. Grabbing my shoulders, he pulls us apart leaving a painful separation feeling that aches.
A awkward aura radiates from Yuri.
"The doctor told me in your... condition that I should change you. You know, into your clothes."
Ahhhh, it's just Yuri.
"I'd be glad."
Yuri's mouth formed into a line and just looked to the side, distantly.
Yuri unbuttoned unlaced the thin lace that held together my checkered hospital gown, pulling the entirety of it of completely. He was evidently blushing deeply when he turned his back to collect some ebony pyjamas. The shirt had three buttons so my head could squeeze through; Yuri unbuttoned them then slipped it on my head - securing it. We locked eyes as he darted his eyes to my lower half to suggest what he was doing next, I just patted him on the head to hurry him on. Anyway he closed his eyes, slipping the pants on my leg stubbs. My legs, no, my stubbs are disgusting everyday I see them. Hmm.

A hum flowed throughout the room as Yuri talked with doctors about our 'meetup', he paid for the familiars I skated with in competitions which means, they'll be here soon. The table was rectangle, materialised with a grey splattered marble. Police asked for access which I granted, honestly I don't really care. They lurked in a almost delinquent group glancing at me in sorrowful expressions. Pity isn't what I need. Sooner then I supposed, a knock hits the door.
Three times.
"Ah!", Yuri exclaims. "They're here sooner than I expected."
My palms broke sweat and I need to be cautious, this could be potentially dangerous for something?
All I could hear was mumbling, they're talking about me. It's unatural, unpleasant and I can't move. Shifting uncomfortably, I slipped from my wheelchair, making me hook my chin on the table as a pathetic chance to hold myself up. It seems it was fate for me to fall because a jolt of pain strikes my back as the tension rises.
I muttered, "I-I'm ok." Multiple doctors lifted me, plopping me back in the death chair. "I-I'm sorry.", looking into the ground.
My lips were separated and my eyes were plaintive glancing up at the doctors every now and again. Just like a miniature, dejected puppy.
"Victor?" My head spiralled round to see Yuri leaning his head in a little to appoint to the settled group. I blinked twice seeing Yurio, Otabek, Christophe, Phichit and my other rink mates.
"Uh...? Hi?", I felt my expression was muddled and voice dry.
"Viktor what the fuck? You go missing for two to three years and all you have to do is say 'hello'?", Yurio
"Viktor...where the HELL have you been? Did you run away to a desert island or something, while we all awaited for the miraculous return of Viktor FUCKING Nikiforov!" - Yurio. He's a little muscular but still tiny.
A lump grew in my throat, alongside my cracked lips.
"I-it's not..." A coughing fit. "It's not like that! Just let me explain. Please."
Now it was Chris' turn to speak.
"Viktor we had no idea where you was, or if you was alive. Yuri has been looking for you the entirety of you being missing."
My eyes dragged them self to Yuri, he coyly nodded: "Go on Viktor, you can explain. Remember I've got your back."
I cleared my throat.
"To begin, I just wanna say at no point I was in comfort, each day was a unbelievable pain."
Breathe in, breathe out.
The others were okay.
"Three years ago I was walking through the snowy streets in Tokyo, when we were doing a interview and a van pulled up. A man put a gun against my head threatening my life, I obliged because I didn't want to die."
The small crowd faces distorted in shock, fear or both. Each person, a specific emotion.
"After a week or so, he took me to a graffitied, run down bathroom. He'd let people-" My lip quivered, struggling to form words.
"Beat me then, rape me. Everyday, three years." The words trailed on, there was no way I could say that normally.
"But I remember saying to myself one day; 'Lately I've been seeing the same dream, a warm and pleasant dream'" I stared at the sky, smiling softly.
" 'What happened to me? I don't know any more. That voice, that ambience.' Do you who's voice?"
I pressed my lips.
"Yuri's. Once I remembered him all I did was call out his name weekly causing me to get beaten even more, heh. Then... how do I say this?"
It was a rhetorical question.
" They ripped my mask off and cooed at me." My voice mimicked a whiny tone.
" Poor pitiful goddess! Oh! But it's not over yet he has to serve everyone!"
Voice cracking, I reenacted the act of a water fall, tears pouring around my face and outwards.

I'm really sorry for procrastinating ^•^
But this chapter turned out to have more than expected! Gahh I do hope you enjoyed!

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