Why did he have to go?

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I was walking towards the bridge thinking about how he left me.......I remember the day that I got a phone call...



"Hello,...he's in the hospital?....." I dropped my phone and grabbed my car keys.

Driving with tears running down my face, I ran every light and ignored every other car. It's a miracle that I arrived there unharmed.I walked in the waiting room,

"Dylan Kiggs?" I tell the front desk

"Floor 3, room 345."

I ran towards the elevator.Pressing the buttons harshly.I arrive at the front of the door that read 345. Walking in, I see Dylan hooked up to all these machines.

"You must be April." the doctor said

"Yes,... yes I am...w-what happened to him?" my voice choked up.

"His dad came home drunk, he started beating him with empty beer bottles.His younger brother called 911...I am very sorry, he is in a coma." she said placing her hand on my shoulder.

I walked towards him, his head is so bloody. His black eye, his bruising all over his body. I feel a part of me drifted away.

"Where is his younger brother?" I said tears rolling down my cold, red cheeks.

"He's safe, he's with his grandparents up in Virginia," she said looking at me with the sorriest eyes.

I nod and she leaves the room, I hold his hand."Please,....don't leave me."

3 weeks later, I have skipped school every day to be there just in case he wakes up.

The doctor hands me a clipboard and pen, it's the papers to get him off of life support.

"There is no chance that he will wake up, if you sign this, he will no longer be in misery."

I look up at her and scream at Dylan.

"Dylan, please wake up. Dylan, wake up! DYLAN!!" at this point I let out a loud sob.

I hold his hand as she unattached all the machines.

BEEP, BEEP, BEEP....beep...beep........beep.............beeeeeeeeeepppppp  

He's gone.

<<<<<<<<<<<<< FLASHBACK ENDS

I head to the bridge, I climb over the railing and see the river below me... I almost step off. Until, a familiar voice says.


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