The beginning of the end.

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My name is Sky. I know my name sounds like it was made by hippies. Which it was. But they aren't anymore they are now well known doctors Dr.Karen Place (hippie name rainbow) and Dr.Jordan Place (rain) How they met was actually quite cutish. They both had a friend named Cloud (only god knows what his real name is) Cloud found it funny they both had rain related things so he introduced them. They hit it off right away even though they were only 12 at the time. They have been together ever since.  12 years later I was born. On October 17, 1996. I know you are thinking weren't hippies in the 70's and stuff. Well that's when they were most popular but they have always been around. Well enough on them and onto me. I moved to Zombie City from Rice Lake which if you've ever been to Rice lake you know any other city would be more interesting. Now onto the story.

I looked into the mirror making sure my blonde hair was still wavy and my bangs still covered my right eye.My chin length hair was looking perfect. My blue eyes looked extremely blue with my blue shirt on. I was wearing my favorite Blue shirt that had a regular sleeve on one side and a tank top strap on the other with my favorite mini skirt. I smiled and put on a little lip gloss. I walked down the stairs into the kitchen. 

"Hi mom. Hi dad." I said to them. I knew they hated being called mom and dad but it was better then calling them 'rain' and 'rainbow'. I mean it's so humiliating. My mom looked a little mad about it but she quickly pretended it didn't bother her. That is what I love about my mom. She's always so happy even if I mess up. I absolutely loved her. 

"Goodmorning Sky. Please call me Rainbow not mom but I know it is your first day at your new school and you're nervous so I'll let it slide." I smiled. My dad looked at me happily. 

"Hello Sky. How are you?" 

"Good. Just a little nervous I guess." I smiled weakly.

"Okay well you'll be fine. Hurry up you are going to miss the bus." I hurried out the door and to the bus stop which was located just 5 houses down. My new house was big I guess. Let me describe it to you. It was like the white house except a lot smaller. As I walked to the bus stop I was deep in thought. I waited at the bus stop for about 3 minutes before I finally saw the yellow 'caterpillar' bus as we called it at my old school. As I go on I heard my all time favorite Avril Lavigne song, Anything but Ordinary. I sat down by the window in the last row. There was a single seat but it was taken by some nerdy boy. He smiled sympathetically at me and then went back to reading his book on how to build a microscope strong enough to see an atom. 

"Hi. I'm Sky. What's your name?" I smiled at him. He closed his book abruptly.

"Hi. I'm Marvin. Don't talk to me unless you want to get made fun of and beaten up" And with that we stopped talking and I don't think we ever talked again.

We stopped 6 more times before every seat was filled except mine and we had one more stop. In Rice Lake this never happened. We stopped one more time but this time six kids got on. I was wondering how we were going to fit them. But then I saw what was going to happen. 3 of the 4 boys sat down on the edge of a seat one behind the other. 1 girl sat next to the other girls. They all looked a little nerdy too. The boy and girl walked up to me and halted seeing that it wasn't empty and I was just to short for them to see there was someone there. I was 5' 4" I wasn't that short. After feeling their stare for a few seconds I looked up and looked them over studying every detail of them. The girl was blond with a fake tan. She was the type of blond who gave the rest of us a bad rep. I looked at the boy next. He was a brunette with skater hair. He was wearing a Letterman jacket that basically screamed 'look at me I am super athletic but I'm the most idiotic person you've ever met' The girl finally spoke.

"What are you doing in my spot?" I looked at her and smiled. 

"I'm sorry but I don't see your name on it." I said calmly. Her boy friend then jumped in.

"Well we've been sitting here for the whole school year you can not steal our spot!"  The whole bus was staring at us now. 

"How many days has it been since the beginning of the year?" They looked at each other.

"A month." I smiled having proved my point.

"Exactly. I have proved my point." They both glared at me so did the rest of the bus. "If you want I will move over and you guys can share with me." I smiled. They looked meanly at me and I moved over and put my shoulder bag on my lap. The whole bus was silent the rest of the trip except for little whispers here and there. 

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