Death by social groups.

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I got on the bus and went 3 seats before the last seat. Owen and Jake were sitting there waiting for me.

"Hey." I said to them. Owen smiled a flirty smile.

"Good morning beautiful." Owen said. Jake hit Owen's chest and whispered something to him which made Owen laugh. We talked all the way to school about how beast I was. Just kidding but I mean we were practically talking about that. The bus stopped at the school and everyone rushed off. The guys practically sprinted into the school when we got off. 

"Bye Sky! See you in 3rd hour!" Owen screamed. I smiled and walked to first hour science. Before I made it a group of football players came up to me.

"Hello new girl." I smiled at them being friendly.

"Hello. What do I owe the pleasure of being surrounded by the football team?" I said acting like I just saw Christopher Drew (One of my favorite artists). 

"We need to talk to you because you got our home boy Kevin suspended." Said a boy who had brown hair, blue eyes and was quite muscular. 

"What do you mean by talk? Do you mean we are actually sit down and talk or you are going to fight me talk?" He looked at me amused. 

"So you're a smarty pants I see." I smiled. "Well I mean talking as in if you don't get our home boy unsuspened by tonight you will have a black eye." 

"That's imposible to get him unsuspended so I guess you're going to have a black eye." I said. 

"Is that a threat?" Said the brown haired boy. 

"If you make a move towards me first yes it is." The brown haired boy took a step forward and tried to punch me in the face. I backed up so he barely missed me. "You don't want to do this okay. I really don't want any for us getting into trouble." 

"Do you think they'll punish us if we all say you tried to punch us first?" Said the same boy.

"Considering there is a camera right there." I said while pointing at the security camera. "I think they will believe me." The whole football team looked at the camera as I smiled and waved at it. The brown haired boy looked back at me.

"Well, I see. Then we will just hurt you off school property." I smiled. 

"Okay bye." I smiled and waved goodbye to them. Before I turned around and left I walked up to the brown haired boy and whispered in his ear. "If you plan on taking me maybe you should bring the hockey team too. Then you may stand a chance."  I then ran my finger down his shirt and walked away. I walked into science and sat in my seat a minute before class started. First and Second hour went by slowly but I was super excited to get into third hour and talk to Owen. I could already tell I was starting to like him. I mean he wasn't the smartest kid ever but he was really cute and sweet. As I walked into third hour I saw Owen smiling at me. I rushed over to him. 

"Hey." I smiled at him. He smiled back at me. I melted a little bit.

"Hey." He said calmly back. I really wanted to know if he liked me or not. He was really hard to read. If one thing having hippie it's how to read people. And he is definitely not easy to read. 

"What's up in the hishouse hommie skillet bisket!" I said. He laughed super hard. 

"Please never say that again." I laughed a long. 

"Sorry. I was tryin' to be hip, word!" I said jokingly. He just shook his head and laughed lightly.

"I guess growing up as a hippie doesn't really put you in the hip circle." I nodded my head as the bell rang and I walked to my seat in the back of the class.

"Okay class today we are going to be starting a new unit. You will be reading stories people have wrote in our previous years with a partner. After you read the books you will be writing your own story similar to the one that you have read. Any questions?" No one said anything. "Okay, then here are the groups. Owen and Sky." We looked at each other and smiled my brain was storming with ideas. I was really hoping to get a story about romance. I love romantic stories but I also love fantasy. I suddenly started paying attention again. "Lisa and Mark. Okay so that is everyone. Now get into your groups so I can pass out the stories." Owen and I rushed over to the back corner and sat down.

"Hey." I said smiling at him.

"Hey babe." I felt my cheeks go hot. "Are you okay with me calling you that? I kind of call girls that." Of course he called everyone that. I knew at that moment he was a player and I was about to play the game. I was ready though. I knew I could get him to like me. Let the games begin. "Hello?"

"Um-mm sorry. Ya you can." Luckily Mrs.Robb came over and gave us our story. I looked at the tittle of the book hoping to get an idea of what it was about. "The Loving Dead." I said. Wow. I guessed it was a romance novel about zombies or something like that.

"Sounds cool babe." He winked at me. I just stared at him. 

"Let's get to work."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2012 ⏰

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