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I ran the barrels without missing a beat. As soon as I was across the line I pulled Dexter to a stop. "That was Michelle Rasmussen on Chex to Dex with a time of 15.5." The announcer said. I love my Chex horse. Yes his sire was Chex to Cash. Frozen semen from the stallion in a mare my dad bought when he was younger. I switch my horses and took care of Dexter before warming Drags up.

When it was my turn I rode him into the box. I readied my loop and called for it. I caught the neck easily and pulled back on the reins stopping Drags. "3.9 for Michelle Rasmussen and Dragging it home." The announcer said. I left the arena and went to the trailer. I gave both of my horses treats and grain before cleaning them up. They both enjoyed my treatment. I finished as I got a call. "Hello." "Where are you?" I dropped my phone and quickly picked it up.

"I'm at home." I told him. "Not your not. I'm in the drive at your house and your truck is not in the driveway. So I suggest you tell me where you are or I will hunt you down and you will not like it when I find you." He finished the call off with calling me a few choice words before hanging up. Summer break for PBR is right around the corner. I could feel tears start to well up before I remembered what RJ told me about it.

I finished brushing my horses and went inside. JB called asking if I could go and pick up RJ from Vinita and take him to North Carolina. There's a rodeo there in two weeks and looks like I'm going to be competing in it. I went back to the arena after loading my horses up. I watched from the sidelines as they started calling out the names of the winners. The girl was called for barrel racing. I wasn't fast enough this time. Break away was next. I won that getting a paycheck.

I nodded after accepting the buckle and check. I left the crowd as it dispersed. It'll take me more than a few hours to reach Vinita. I made sure my horses were secured along with the living quarters. Then got into the cab and started driving. I drove all night and most of the day almost reaching it by the time I was starting to feel tired. I pulled off at a gas station with grass to get out and let my boys stretch their legs.

After walking them I gave them water and hay before locking them back in and going inside for a drink. I grabbed a Pepsi and went back out almost drinking the whole thing. I drove another hour before reaching Vinita having to pay toll. I parked at the rodeo grounds as the stock contractors were unloading bulls and penning them. I went over to watch them. "I see your here." I turned back seeing my cousin. "How's life?" I asked him.

He chuckled. "It's life. Not getting hit by any bulls and am still alive." He said. I looked back at the bulls before going to my trailer. I unloaded my two horses tying them to the side. I gave them water and took their shipping gear off. Once they were good I led them around the grounds. "Most of the guys arrived on..." "Friday." I said cutting him off. "And it's Wednesday." He said.

"So. I can practice my barrel racing all day tomorrow and you don't have to stay in a word. Plus if I tell a certain someone I'm already here who's going to be the first to arrive?" I asked. He scoffed. "You've got him wrapped around your little finger. You know that. Since he told them bout that pathetic boyfriend of yours, they are actually giving him tips on how to calm you." He said.

"And he won't listen. He'll be watching my every little move to see if I jump at certain actions and certain words. I hate that, that man is even in my life. Then someone I've known since I was practically a toddler comes up and actually wants to try and fix me. There's nothing to fix. There's nothing to change either. That guy won't marry me, he'll only keep abusing me and putting me down the rest of my life." I told him.

He tried to stop me as I went inside the living quarters and locked the door. I slid to the floor letting the tears fall in multiple propositions. I saw the drawer with the razor blade and got up. I opened the drawer staring at it until I worked up the nerve to do it. I wrapped my thigh with gauze tightly before pulling my jeans back on. I could barely feel the pain anymore now.

I looked out the window seeing a truck pull up. RJ got out of the passenger side. He's early and I didn't even tell him I was coming. I changed into bed clothes before crawling into my bed. Tiredness was the first thing on my mind when I hit the mattress. I watched through tented a window as Gage and RJ came over to the door. "Nah. She's got a spare key hidden. I guarantee she'll rehide it after I show you where it is." Gage said. He unlocked the door before I pulled the covers over my head.

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