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I sat at the table in my living quarters with twelve different shades of blue paracord colors in different lengths too. I had an entire bag of 4mm O rings and about twelve D rings. I had the paper with separate measurements for both horses for custom paracord halters and hackamores. I skipped the headpiece on the bridle and started with the noseband. I did Dexter's a light and dark blue. I of course burned them in together.

Yes I could be in the Mauney house doing this, but it's so peaceful out here and it's where I'm most comfortable. A knock at the door had me saying come in to whoever it was. "Thought I'd find you in here Rasmussen." J.B. said coming in. "Just a little peace and quiet." I said as I finished the end off. I cut the ends off before burning the end of the cord to the edge and pressing it to it. "Looks like you love to customize your horses." He said.

"Yeah. They each already have a custom halter and lead out of paracord. Now a custom hackamore that isn't leather." I said as I started on a cheek piece. "I was wondering. Could you make halters for the ten horses in the barn for me? That's minus R.J.'s two." He said. "Sure. When do you need them by?" I asked. "Not right away. Just when you have time to." He said. I nodded. "Sure. If he doesn't catch onto what I'm doing while traveling I may be able to do it then." I said as I cut and burned one side of the cheek straps.

He let me be and I finished Dex's. I then did another one similarly to that except turquoise and cornflower blue with Drag's measurements. When I was done with those pieces I went out and measured the length from the withers to where the O ring would be before adding an extra foot to the measurements on both boys. I went back and made paracord reins and made them to withstand me yanking on them.

On the throat latches I used buckles knowing them they'd try to remove them with just the knot. When I was completely finished I took them out to be tried on. Dexter was eager to try it out. I fitted his on before checking the rein length. Perfect! I then tried Drags' it fitting him perfectly too. I led them up to the barn for feed and nightly grooming. "Where have you been?"

'Seriously Dallas? I may be a month older than you, but that gives you no right to ask me things like that. I could have been screwing your brother for all you know.' I said in my head as R.J. came from the tack room. "Lay off. She isn't interested in your dumb a--." R.J. told him. I put the boys' halters on them and stalled them before taking the homemade hackamores back to be placed with the rest of my tack.

When I returned to the barn R.J. was brushing Dexter while Dallas was brushing Drags. Drags looked very annoyed and about to bite Dallas. I let Dallas get bit before taking the brush from him and brushing him quickly. He was irritated for some reason. I patted him before seeing exactly what he was irritated at. "He doesn't like men staring at me." I told Dallas. That was also meant to say R.J. is still here you dumb butt.

I saw R.J.'s glare towards his brother. Not going to get between it. I cleaned Drags' hooves before filing them down. I know the farrier should be doing this, he hates the farrier. I gave him fresh water and a treat before checking over Dexter's hooves. I cleaned them out and checked for farrier needs. Trimming. Both need it. "Is it possible to call a farrier to the fairgrounds?" I asked R.J. "In certain cases. Why?" He asked. "Both of my horses need their hooves trimmed before competing this weekend." I answered.

"Yup." He said. I nodded before going up to the house with him. "That will definitely have to happen." He wrapped an arm around my shoulders before drawing me close to him. I snuggled into his side. He kissed the top of my head just before we got to the porch.

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