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I rolled over away from the warm body and sat up. The curtains were drawn, all of them and the door and windows locked tight. I went to the bathroom then found his shirt from last night slipping it over my head. It went a little passed my butt and rose up every time I lifted an arm or both arms. As I cooked us breakfast two arms wrapped around my waist. Lips connected to my neck. I tilted my head to the side giving him more access.

His little buddy poked me in the back. No we didn't do anything last night or for several weeks. We still haven't done it. Sleeping naked is the farthest we've gone. His fingers tangled into my pubic hair. "May I finish cooking?" I asked him. "In a minute." He said turning the burner off. He pulled me away from the stove top and sat me down on his lap. His length was pressed tightly against my entrance. He kissed me and held me tightly against him.

I rested my head on his shoulder. "What would you like?" He asked. "Breakfast." I told him. He kissed me once more before setting me on the couch with him on his knees in front of me. He kissed the insides of my thighs going straight to one place. I couldn't help but want to pull back. He lifted the shirt more kissing my belly. He knew how sensitive I was there! He then went to my face connecting his lips to mine.

He pulled back slightly. "I know baby. I won't do anything you don't want. I may get close, but I'll never do it." He said. He pulled me to my feet in front of him. "You know I can imagine you eight to nine months pregnant with my child, me calling you mine completely." He said kissing my belly. I sat down on his lap. He kissed me holding me close to him. As much as I loved this I really wanted to get dressed and finish cooking breakfast.

I started standing him letting me go. I pulled a pair of underwear on then a bra along with jeans and a long sleeve. Two more days until finals are over and roughly four weeks until NFR. I quickly finished cooking and poured RJ a cup of coffee. "Babe. You might want to get dressed before your parents come in and see that." I said. "They're the ones that made it." He said. "I bet they haven't seen it since you were seven." I said. "I was ten." He said pulling a pair of underwear on. He then pulled a pair of jeans on along with a long sleeve shirt.

"Better?" He asked. "Your mama will think so." I told him pointing the spatula at him. He smirked as I handed him the pitch black coffee. "Of you give me anymore crap you will be sleeping on the couch, and I will leave you with your parents for several weeks." I told him. He shrugged. "Don't honestly care. I live with them for more than eighteen years." He said. "That's sad." I told him. "Well, someone has to keep my little brother in line." He said.

I rolled my eyes as he wrapped me up from behind. "You know I won't annoy you too badly and will try everything to stay on your good side." He said. "Does that mean your cooking supper?" I asked him. "Your wish will always be my command." He said before kissing my cheek.

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