|| Chapter 7 ||

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"Finally! Took you long enough to get here." it was Sabrina who greeted you, leaning against the door while apparently waiting for your arrival. You apologized quickly, but the woman just shook it off and told you to follow her.

"Like i said, Gold will be starting his therapy, and i'm the one leading it. Although i'd appreciate if you could come too sometimes, to assist me, Y/N." Sabrina said and lead you through the hall. It was rather big and empty - since no one else was currently using this one.

The hall - well, it was just an especially large room, similar to a Gym - in which you were in, was hall 2. There were three halls in total on this floor - and you assumed there was at least one more therapist beside Sabrina.

"Honestly, i don't know where to start." Sabrina commented and couldn't help but sigh. She lead you to about the middle of the room and stopped. She had prepared two more chairs there - one for herself and one for you. Both you and her took seats across each other and Gold was beside you in his wheelchair. "I'll just start by explaining you a bit more about the sort of paralysis Gold suffers from - since there are multiple different types of it."

"The type he suffers from, is called Diplegia. It's the type of paralysis in which the patient loses the ability of movement in both the legs." Sabrina started explaining, eventually adjusting her black watch on her wrist. "Not only the ability to move, but as you already noticed, the one to feel as well."

"There are several exercises which Gold will start doing, but there's no guarantee that he'll heal." Sabrina added, and honestly, you wished she wouldn't have. "I'm not going to explain each and every exercise there is, you'll just have to inform yourself about it later - if it interests you. For now, we'll be doing the simple Hip rotation exercise."

After Sabrina had said that, she stood up and told you to get Gold onto the floor. You nodded, got up as well, and pretty much got Gold off of his wheelchair in a similar way you got him onto it. The boy sat down and supported his weight with both his hands, you sat down next to him.

"You'll just have to lie down and place your legs straight. I'll hold one leg by keeping one hand on your thigh and the other just below your knee to give support." Sabrina explained to Gold and kneed down to both of you.

"Nuh-uh, no way, you perverted lady!" Gold waved his hands quickly and scooted closer to you, supporting himself again. "I didn't know you were into young boys like me! But i'm not letting anyone touch me like that! Except for Y/N, i'm okay with her."

Sabrina's eyebrow twitched, you could see she was quite irritated. You would have been too if you were in her shoes. But what Gold said last made your cheeks heat up; Instead of mentioning his girlfriend he just saw earlier, he said your name.

"Y-You should be a bit more respectful.. Miss Sabrina came the whole way to Johto - from Kanto - just to help us." you said, your cheeks still red. Sabrina seemed quite satisfied with you defending her and Gold just let a sigh escape his lips.

"Y/N, i'll teach you how to do it too, so that you'll be able to make Gold do the therapy without me being here." Sabrina then added after clearing her throat. She told you to get closer to her and Gold eventually laid down how Sabrina instructed him to.

"Okay, so you put your left hand on his thigh - almost knee - and press it against the floor. You put your other hand on the lower part of his leg just to put a bit more weight on the leg." The raven haired woman explained and made you do it yourself at first.

You seemed to be doing it right. "Do you feel anything?" you just looked up to Gold who was laying. You were really surprised to see his face though;

"G-Gold why are you crying? Does it hurt?" You almost panicked when you saw tears strolling down the boys' cheeks. "Please don't look at me, i'm an ugly crier." Gold sobbed quickly and hid his face with his arm. "I can't feel anything... like, i can see that you're pressing my leg, but it's so weird that i can't feel it... it's kinda scary..."

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