Gun Point

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***********This chapter is going back to Qin, Gracie, and Tristen. Also, we got some action in this one ;). Enjoy*****************

(Qin's POV, few months later[Gracie is 5 months pregnant].................)

This thing with Grace has been going good with Gracie. Most of the time, I feel like the third wheel between Tristen and Gracie. But I know that G is trying to split her attention equally. I recognize that Tristen always give me a dirty look every time I'm with them. I haven't done anything wrong while I was with them, so I don't see what the issue is.

I was at Grace's house while Gracie, Des and Cj was hanging out with each other. So, basically, I was home alone. I was sitting on the couch watching TV as I heard the door bell ring. I got up to see it was. Come to find out, it was Tristen.

What is he doing here?

I opened the door to see what he wanted. "Hey, do you need something?" I asked with a confused look on my face. "Is G here?" he asked stepping into the house. "Ummm, no she is not but I can let her know that you stopped by" I said as I tried to reopen the door. "Actually, I came to see you" he said as he shut the door back in a hurry.

I stepped back not knowing what to do. He had a real suspicious look on his face that showed he was up to something. "What do you want?" I asked in nervousness. "I don't want you hanging out with me and Gracie anymore" he said with stern voice.

I looked around, making the face of who he think he talking to. "First of all, I can hangout with who ever I want" I started sounding like a mad black girl.  "Second, Grace is my best friend it's not like I'm trying to take her from you. She is all your, but when it comes to best friends shes mine" I said with confidence with my head held high.

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