First check up/ Even bigger news

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(Gracies POV Wednesday evening.........)

It is my very first check up and I am so nerves. Qin wanted to come but I asked him to watch Des and Cj while I'm gone.

As I walked in, I saw other people sitting down waiting to be called. I walked up to the front desk to fill out some paper work. I found a seat that was away from every body else. I started filling out the paper work that ask about my history and all that stuff.

As I was finishing up the paperwork, I saw a couple just a few seats across from me. I can tell that they are having a child too because I see the man rubbing her stomach. That made me wounder what me and Qin would be like when we get older. If we ever end back up.

All different types of questions popped in my head. Will me and Qin last?, Will we even be together that long? Will our child have both of their parents? All unanswered questions. But I hope one day they will be answered.

My name was finally called after 30-35 min. The nurse walked me to into the exam room to get check out.

I laid on the exam table as the nurse but some clear gel on my stomach. We sat there for a few minutes until the nurse finally said something. "Ok, you are set to go. Your health is fine and your babies should come out normal."

Hold up, Wait a minute. Babies!

"Umm, I'm sorry but did you just say babies?" I asked with my voice creaking. "Congrats, your having twins" the nurse said with excitement in her voice.

 "That's great, amazing, terrific" I said with a sign of nerviness. The nurse gave me a wet wipe to clean the gel off my stomach.

As I walked out to the front office, I felt like everyone was looking at me in disappointment. Although nobody was stun me.

I felt dizzy as I walked to Qin's car that he let me borrow. Speaking of Qin, how will he react to me when I tell him that I'm having twins? I just hope he don't take it the wrong way.

As I got situated in the driver's seat, I felt vibration in my pocket from my phone. I pulled out my phone and realized it was Qin that texted me.

~Qin~ Hey just checking in on u. I need to talk to u when u get home. But anyways, how did the appointment go?

I kinda hesitated texting him back after reading the question.

~Me~ I'll talk to you when I get home.

~Qin~ Ok

I am so nerviness about what Qin is going to say taking care of twins. I just hope what ever he say is good.

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