Fast Times at Silver-Leaf High (Part 3)

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(Gracie POV, 1 week later [Monday morning].......)

It's been a whole week since we took our finals and me and Qin was terrified to figure out what we got on our test. These were the tests that shows if we graduate. I was in my bed while a lot of thoughts went through my head. My thoughts was soon interrupted when Des and Cj came into my room and started jumping on my bed.

"Hey, Grace" Cj said with a huge smile. "Hey, what's up?" I asked as it was hard for me to sit up. By the way, I am 7 1/2 months so it is almost time. "Qin said to go ahead and get up so y'all can go and see what your test scores are" Des said with a small smile.


Right when I heard that, I jumped out of bed and started getting dressed. Keep in my mind, I can't move all that fast so picture the fastest moving turtle. I got dressed and soon headed down stairs. When I made it down the steps, I had a little surprise sitting on my couch. My dad was sitting there holding flowers in his hands.

"Hey, Gracie" he said with a smile as he got up and started walking towards me. "Hey, dad. What are the flowers for?" I asked looking at the flowers. "There are for you" he said looking at the flowers for a quick second then looked at me with a smirk. I gave him a confused look then looked at the flowers. "Why are they for me?" I asked with a little chuckle. "Passing or failing, your still my daughter. These flowers are for you because when you walk on that stage and earn your certificate,  you will keep in mind that I will always be proud of you" he said with a smile. 

This is very unexpected, but I'm happy that someone is trying to give me hope. "Wow, thanks dad. That means a lot to me"  I said with a smile as I gave him a hug and took the flowers. I soon backed away and took a sniff of the flowers. "Ya and also, I'm not gonna be able to make it to your graduation when it happens" he said in a rush.

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