it's october now, freckles and i are really close now.
"hey, james! come look at this shit" Freckles yells for me.
i'm at her house, which i usually am but this was one saturday morning, two more days until halloween.
i groan and wake up. put on some sweatpants and walk down the hall to her living room
"what?" i ask tiredly
she points at the tv with an unreadable face
i look at the tv and it reads
"16 year-old sophomore reported missing"
the woman on tv says "the 16 year-old sophomore, Pete Johnson 'Pj' Liguori, of sunnydale high has been reported missing. last seen thursday night at 11:03 pm by a friend, harlow manson, who claimed that Liguori left manson's at that time.
if you see this boy please contact
i look at freckles in shock, her expression hasn't changed
"Pete" she repeats "i've never heard him called that"
"yeah..." i'm unsure of what to say.
i feel like this, is what i'm supposed to do, i've felt so lost, just smoking cigarettes, doing drugs, repressing emotions about my sexuality, failing school and avoiding my family, it's just not right. i could find a missing boy. i'd be hero, but that's not why i'm doing it, i'm doing it because it feels... right. i can find pj. i will find pj.
freckles stayed staring at me, waiting for a reaction out of me.
"i gotta go." i quickly grab my jacket
"later, freckles" i rush out and down the street, around two blocks and to my house.
i text my friends.
ethan james: did you guys hear about pj?i wait impatiently for a response
tori stephenson: yeah. how do you feel about it?
nathan wilson: it's just too crazy honestly
troye henderson: i'm, like... idek
ethan james: guys, we have to find him
tori stephenson: why?? think about what he's done to you
nathan wilson: still doesn't make him less worthy of our help
troye henderson read 11:27
ethan james: are you guys gonna help or no?
nathan wilson: he maybe doesn't deserve it, but he's human
tori stephenson read 11:29
troye henderson: there's not a better choice, is there?
nathan wilson: no.
tori stephenson: i need to actually do something good
troye henderson: sigh. if my friends are doing it, i'm required
ethan james: not really, but in this situation; yes
tori stephenson: true
troye henderson read 11:32
nathan wilson: wanna come over here and we discuss our plans?
tori stephenson: jfc, sounds like we're planning a murder
nathan wilson: we are, a murder of crime
troye henderson: shut the actual fuck up
nathan wilson read 11:34
ethan james: plan?
tori stephenson: yeah Xx
dan howell: k Xx
hey guys! finally updated?? yes??
— ethan. <3

for the awkward and unwanted. (DISCONTINUED!)
General Fictionidk how to describe this but i'll try,, I'm really scared help. I think its really dumb but my friends told me to,, ALSO: the first few chapters are unbelievably shitty so just try to get though it. new school year same friends (who are mostly, not...