~~Next Day~~

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~~Next day~~

(Vanoss's POV)

I yawned as i stretched opening my eyes to the sunlight. Ugh what to do on my day off. I guess i could go shopping for food. I sighed as i got dressed an made my way to the shopping mall. I hope they have the stuff i need in stock this time. I walked around the store looking for some doughnuts. Uh where could they be. I kept looking at my list only to bump into someone. I looked up to see it was some creepy looking guy. I groaned an tried to get up quickly before he even saw me. But unfortunately for me i wasn't so lucky. "Oh well what do we have here? What are you doing here alone cutie?" He said putting his hand around my waist. I growled an tried to shove him away. "Aw come on now don't be that way." I growled more trying to pull away. But i don't have much strengths from working three weeks straight without sleep. "Let me go." He just frowned and pulled me closer by my waist. "Sir let me go now."

(Wildcat's POV)

I sighed as i walked around the store trying to find the stuff i need to make dinner tonight. As i turned the corner i saw Evan being bothered by a creepy man. I growled as i stepped up to them pushing the man off of Evan and wrapped my arm around his waist. "Is this guy bothering you babe?" i said looking at Evan with a smile.He could tell i was pretending an joined in. "Oh yeah I was just telling this man to let me go so i could come find you honey." He said as he nuzzled into my chest to sell the act. I smirked as i stared the guy as he walked away. I was kinda sad when Evan moved away from me an sighed. "Thank you for helping with that." He smiled an picked back up the basket that he dropped. "So since i helped you will you give me the honor of going out with me tomorrow night?" I asked in the most soothing and smooth voice i could do. I could see a small amount of blush forming on his face. I smiled as i waited for answer.

(Vanoss's POV)

I blushed as he tried to act smooth. I know he's trying to get something out of me but this act is working. God i hate myself for falling for this act. I nodded and looked away an walked away before he could even respond. I could feel myself forming a small smile. I guess it wouldn't hurt to try him out at least i can say i did go out with someone so Lilly will drop the topic. I sighed as i took out my phone an texted Wildcat to tell him to pick me up at 10:00 in front of the gamestop. I sighed as i walked back to my home. Maybe i should just tell him never mind cause i don't really trust him. I sighed as i pulled up my skype and called Mini. "Hey dude what's up?" I sighed as i sat down. "Is something wrong?" I looked at him an shook my head. "Honestly i don't know Mini. Some guy came into work yesterday acting like a big shot and making everyone swoon. So because of that i had to work three times as hard." "Oh sounds rough man." I nodded an looked at the paper with his number on it. "But the weird thing is that he said he was a gamer and he played with you and moo." He went wide eyed for a split second and just blinked at me. "Well that could have been true." I nodded and continued to look at the floor. "But the thing was he acted like a real ass." "Sounds like this one guy we play with sometimes." "Well if you want i can give you the number to see if it's that guy your all the time complaining about when he never shows up on time." He nodded an pulled out his phone. After i gave him the number he laughed. "Well i can tell you that the guy wasn't lying he does play games with me an moo sometimes an he is also the ass who never gets on when he is supposed to." I sighed an rubbed my face an groaned. "Is there something else?" I nodded an told him what happened at the store an how i got myself into a date tomorrow and not sure what i should do. He shrugged an laughed a bit. "I think in all honesty you should go i mean he can be an ass but he's a good guy and you should give him a chance." I nodded as i kept staring at the floor. I don't know but i guess i should do what mini said. I guess i could give him a chance. I yawned. I guess i should go to bed. "Hey mini thanks for talking with me but i think i am going to go to sleep since i had a rough kinda day." He just nodded an waved as he ended the call. I powered down my computer an changed into my pajamas. I will think on it tomorrow. I thought as i drifted off to sleep.

(Wildcat's POV)

I smiled as i did a small happy dance in my room. I got a date with Evan. I hope this works well i can't wait to get that fine booty to be mine. I started to drool as i thought about how plump Evan's ass was. Oh yeah that needs to be mine an no one else's. I could feel myself getting hard from the thought of my holding his plump ass. Oh shit I thought as i ran into the bathroom to take care of my problem. (I'm not writing that) I groaned as i finally got my problem taken care of. I hope that won't happen tomorrow. I sighed as i flopped onto my bed.

~~Next Day~~

(Vanoss's POV)

I sighed as i got up an started to take a shower. Ugh i don't have to go on a date with Wildcat but i guess i will just to get mini and Lilly off of my back. I groaned as i tried to pick out something to wear. Ugh what should i wear? I thought. I continued to look. Why is this so hard. I mean i don't even like the guy i'm only going to get it over with and to be nice. I guess i could call Mini an ask his opinion. I sighed as i powered on my computer. I waited as i continued to try and pick out an outfit. "Yo whats up Owl boy?" I looked at the camera an sighed. "Well i'm going out with that wildcat guy an i can't pick out anything to wear." He just laughed an looked at what i had in my closet. "Well lets see how about that red shirt, and those black skinny jeans and those black converse?" i looked an nodded. "Wait a second while i try it on." i said as i walked into the bathroom. Once i was done i walked out in front of the camera an show mini. "YAS QUEEN!" He said in his gay accent. I laughed an smiled. "So it's good?" He nods and smiles. "Well thanks mini." I said as i signed out and powered down my computer. I sighed as i started to make my way to the gamestop. I really hope e forgot so i can go home an rest. But i guess luck is not on my side right now cause there he was standing there waiting on me. I sighed an forced a fake smile on my face. "Hi." I said as i saw him smile at me. He grabs my hands an drags me to the movie theater. I sighed again as we sat and watched the movie. Sometime during the movie he wrapped his arm around my waist I think he thought i didn't notice cause i didn't move his hand. I mean i want to but at the same time i really don't want to move his hand from my waist. I could feel myself blush a bit. I hope he doesn't notice an think i actually like him.

(Wildcat's POV)

I smiled as I snaked my arm around Evans waist. So far he hasn't noticed. I thought as i took a quick peek at his face to see a small blush for on his face. I smiled an went back to looking at the movie.

~~An hour or two later~~

(Wildcat's POV continue)

I yawned an stretched. I followed Evan out of the theater. "So did you have a good time?" I asked as i waited for an answer. "I kinda did." I smiled as i walked Evan to his house. "So um i was wondering if you wanted to do this again soon?" I asked as i waited for him to decide "I don't know Wildcat, i don't even know your real name so i don't really wanna try an trust." I blinked in response. "Oh yeah i kinda didn't tell you my real name." I said as i looked at the ground an rubbed my neck in embarrassment. "Well it's..." I started as i looked him in the face. "Its Tyler Wild." I said as i watched Evan nodded his head. "Well it's nice to meet you Tyler." I felt my heart skip a beat when he smiled at me i could swear i had hearts forming in my eyes.

(Vanoss's POV)

I sighed and smiled as Tyler maned up an told me his name. Well that's a start at least. I could feel myself blushing a bit. I guess i should give him a try. "Ok i will give you another shoot so i would love to go on another date with you.


VANOSS X IAMWILDCATWhere stories live. Discover now