twenty six

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I am torn from the warmth and safety of Enoch's arms by the calling of Miss Peregrine. When my face emerges from his shoulder, she begins to advance from her position at the conservatory door towards me. The boy lets me go. He is biting his lip hard, Perhaps to stop himself from becoming upset too. The headmistress outstretches a hand to me and, hesitantly, I take hold of it. She helps me up from the picnic table and holds me close to her while we walk inside. My entire body feels numb.

"Come along, Violet." She whispers, letting me nestle my head in her bosom. As much as I appreciate and love Miss Peregrine, I cannot feel as safe here as I did with the boy just a few minutes ago.

She coaxes me into the kitchen where I am sat down on a wooden chair. She crosses over to the kettle and pours some steaming water into a ceramic mug, drops in a tea strainer and leaves it to brew. My eyes follow her as she perched herself on the corner of the wooden table in the centre of the kitchen.

"I understand that you are upset Violet," the ymbryne clasps her hands in her lap and retains eye contact with me. "However you must understand that Mr O'Connor has made his choice and that choice he has made cannot he changed."

"I don't want him to go out there, Miss Peregrine. It must be terribly frightening with all those aeroplanes and bombs being dropped all the time." My lips tremble and more tears escape from my eyes. The sting of kohl pencil mixed with the salty solution stings the inner parts of my eyelids. "What if..."

I feel my voice trail away while I spiral downwards into sobs again. Miss Peregrine rushes from her spot on the table in favour of kneeling on the ground before me. She takes both of my hands in hers, gripping them tightly.

"Violet," Her beady eyes stare up into mine so intently that they cease to move. "Do not ever let that thought cross your mind - never again."  A soft, persuasive smile appears on her thin mouth. "Do you love him?"

Her question takes me by surprise, for I believe I haven't yet experienced love in that form.

"I-I don't know." I reply, quietly and honestly.

Her smile grows for a few seconds, before getting up and turning back to the mug of tea. While she completes the drink, I pull one of the rolls on the top of my head out. The curl falls around my face and sticks uncomfortably to my damp cheeks - I pull it away and tuck it behind my ear.

Miss Peregrine hands me the cup of tea. She rests her hand on my shoulder for a moment or two before telling me to stand. Still clutching the teacup, I follow the headmistress back outside a little nervously - have I ruined Enoch's birthday?

The first glimpse I get of him, I put down the teacup and quickly go towards him. His expression when he sees me is comparable to that of a guilty convict. He hesitantly envelopes me in his arms and holds my head against his chest. His heart is beating fast in beneath his clothes.

"I need to tell them." He whispers down to me.

I don't reply, I just untangle myself from his arms to allow him to address everybody. Miss Peregrine wraps an arm around my shoulders and rubs my arm comfortingly.

"I've got something' to tell you." Enoch takes a deep breath. "The day after tomorrow, I'm leavin' to go and train to join the army."

Through my bleary eyes, I watch as Olive scurries away back into the house. Enoch watches her go, still looking very guilty.

"Enoch you can't!" Emma steps forward and grips his shoulder. "Abe said how horrible it is."

"Emma, I have to. I'm not a coward." He replies sternly. She retreats back next to Jake; the two exchange anxious glances.

"Enoch is very brave, children." Miss Peregrine lets her arm fall from around me as she moves next to the scot. I suddenly feel very exposed. "He is going out to serve our king and country. I am sure that he will be home by Christmas."

"That's what you said when Abe went..." Hugh mumbles, however everybody hears it. Enoch lowers his eyes to look at the ground and awkwardly clasps his hands together.

Part of me hopes that he is regretting everything, that he will run all the way back to the town hall and beg the registry officer to take him off the list. But that is not the system, and I know that Enoch would never dishonour himself, let alone the country.

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