Title: Fat Girl Problems
Author: Leah J. Grey
Genre: Humor
Marina Adams is not a size 2 journalist, or 4 or 10. No, she is a size 16. Not your perfect idea of a high school Barbie reporter, and of course she is picked on by her oh so "god and goddess" looking peers. After three years of being protected by her older brother Chase, she has had enough, and by that she means she has no one to protect her anymore after her brother's graduation. Now she must protect herself, and integrate into the cruel cold world of Ridgeway High School. And how will she do that? By finally coming out of the shadows and being little miss "not so fat" anymore. Oh but I forgot one thing, Eli Madison. The childhood rival of Marina and assholian prince of Ridgeway High, has now taken thrown, and he is determined to crush every spirit that crosses his path. Especially Marina's. What will happen when these two cross paths?
How many reads do you have?: 850
How many followers do you have?: 36
Undiscovered Watty Awards: Spring Edition
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