Chapter 1

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AN: So, we're a bit closer now to finding out what the secret is. Are you ready?

The rest of the day after literally bumping into Logan was long and stressful. She was so worried she would run into him again that she found she couldn't fully enjoy her chosen sessions for the day. By the time she made it back to her room, she was even more exhausted than she had been that morning. It was still fairly early and she hadn't eaten dinner, but she didn't want to go out. Guess that meant it was room service. After calling in her order, Rory picked up her phone to call her mom and fill her in on what happened earlier. Before she could dial though, she paused. She remembered how much her mother didn't like Logan and how relieved she was when they broke up. She couldn't call her mother. Lane? She was probably busy with the boys. Paris? Even more likely to be busy.

Rory put her phone down without calling anyone and sighed. This is when it would be nice to have other friends that were more like her without major familial obligations and she could just vent to. Sighing, she instead opened her laptop and was determined to bury herself in work for the rest of the evening. She mostly succeeded, only stopping when her food arrived and when she decided to go to bed.

Upon waking the next day, Rory felt better in general. She was still stressed about seeing Logan, but she also decided that she couldn't let the fear of seeing him again keep her from enjoying the conference. New outlook on life acquired, Rory got ready for her day and happily walked down to breakfast. This time, though, she made sure she paid attention to her surroundings to avoid a run in like the day before.

Run in free, Rory got her coffee and inhaled multiple cups while eating before heading to her first session: Impact Blogging Has on Media. She was looking forward to it since she had been considering a blog to catalogue the experiences she couldn't include in her articles. Upon arriving, she saw that she was one of the first and had the pick of the seats in the room. She decided on a front row seat so she could see the speaker and could fully concentrate on what was being said. After sitting, she pulled out her notebook and pens, arranging them neatly in front of her.

As she was pulling her phone out to check her e-mails, Rory heard someone ask her, "This seat taken?"

Looking up, about to answer no, her voice died in her throat when she saw it was Logan. Unable to find her voice, she just shook her head no and watched him sit down. Not wanting him to catch her staring, she turned back to her phone, but couldn't concentrate on opening anything up. Watching from the corner of her eye, she saw him pull out his own portfolio and pen for notes and nonchalantly pull his phone out to do whatever. She envied the ease with which he seemed to be doing everything.

Determined, Rory forced herself to open her e-mail app and respond to a few work e-mails. By the time she replied to the most pressing ones and placed her phone down, she realized Logan was looking at her and she smiled nervously. "So, Rory, how have you been?" Logan asked nonchalantly.

Rory was taken aback. After the way things went yesterday when they bumped into each other, the last thing she expected of him was a seemingly normal conversation. She cleared her throat. "Um, fine. You?"

"I've been good. I've seen some of your work. It's been good."

"Thanks," Rory replied, her voice breaking. She coughed. "I saw where you've rejoined HPG. Congrats."

What ensued could be described as a pleasant conversation. The entire time they chatted before the session, Rory couldn't believe that she was sitting in a conference room chatting with Logan again as if nothing had happened between the two of them. Their conversation ceased only because the speaker arrived and started the session.

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