Chapter 15

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Sunday morning dawned cold and beautiful. Rory could tell that the day would be uncharacteristically cold for the time of year when she woke up. While it was usually cold in March, there usually wasn't frost on the ground or Babette standing outside with a heavy winter coat and hat on. Rory took one last look outside and walked into the kitchen to find Luke standing at the stove cooking.

"Mom put you up to this?" Rory asked as she sat at the table.

Luke laughed. "Do I even have to answer that?"

"Nope," Rory answered, joining in on the laughter.

"Do you want some tea?" Luke asked.

"Yes please. Whatever you have is fine."

"Alright," he said as he placed the kettle on the burner. "I have some herbal around here. I'll grab a tea bag for you."

Rory watched as Luke pulled a mug out and placed a tea bag in it before placing it beside the stove. They sat in silence and Rory was fine with that. She never felt the need to fill silence with Luke. It was comfortable to just bask in the silence because, more often that not, it didn't last that long.

Sure enough, Rory could hear her mom clomping down the stairs.She smiled as she looked towards the living room in time to see her mom trip as she reached the bottom of the stairs. Rory stifled her laughter as she watched her mom catch herself and check to be sure she was alone before checking to make sure she was okay. Lorelai brushed herself off and squared her shoulder before continuing on her way towards the kitchen.

"Loin fruit!"

"Gah, Lorelai! Really? Why do you have to say things like that?" Luke exclaimed, a look of disgust on his face.

Lorelai and Rory laughed. Lorelai said, "Because it's true. She came from my loins, so, she's a loin fruit."

Luke continued to grumble while Lorelai poured herself coffee before joining Rory at the kitchen table.

"How'd you sleep?" Lorelai asked while sipping her coffee.

"Not too bad. It was a little weird being back in there since it's not really my room anymore, though it still feels like it is to an extent."

Lorelai nodded, but didn't comment. They all lapsed into silence until the tea kettle screamed, prompting Luke to pour the water over Rory's tea bag. After placing the mug in front of Rory, he asked, "Do you need something to place in it?"

"Just honey and some sugar, please."

Luke nodded and put both on the table. While she and Lorelai waited for Luke to finish cooking breakfast, they chatted about various things about the upcoming baby shower. Since the majority of the townspeople wanted to come to the shower, they weren't having it at The Dragonfly. They all thought it would be too cramped. They were able to convince Taylor to let them pitch a tent in the town square, similar to what they did for the gender reveal party, and hold it there.

Lorelai found a throne for Rory to sit on as she opened the gifts and Sookie had planned an even more lavish food spread than she had before. This time, however, instead of making a huge cake, she made individual cupcakes that she arranged in the shape of a baby carriage. Rory saw the mock up Sookie did a few weeks before and was quite pleased with the result.

"Alright," Luke said, placing plates in front of her and Lorelai. "I have some pancakes and bacon here for my two favorite Gilmore girls."

Lorelai smiled and thanked Luke, as did Rory. They waited while Luke grabbed his own plate, which had an omelette and fruit on it, and joined them at the table. They all continued to chat while they ate before Lorelai told Rory she needed to go on and get dressed since the shower would be starting right after church let out.

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