Chapter 18

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With the admission of her labor, Logan sprung into action. He pulled her up and walked her to the car. While they made their way, Rory was panicking. "It's early isn't it? I definitely think it's early. I shouldn't be in labor right now. I can't believe I'm in labor!"

Logan tried to calm her, but it wasn't easy by any means. He helped her into the car and then made her way around. Once the car was on, he speed dialed their doctor. He picked up on the second ring and Logan was already on his way. The doctor said he'd be waiting for them there and Logan quickly hung up. Rory was pretty sure he was setting land speed records at the speed he was driving, but she found she didn't care. What she thought was uncomfortable earlier was now down right painful.

Thankfully, they quickly arrived and Logan pulled up to the ER bay. There were nurses outside waiting with a wheelchair. Logan got out and made his way around the car, helping Rory slowly get up. They waddled their way over to the wheelchair and Rory plopped down.

"Mr. Huntzberger, go part your car sir and we'll wait for you by the elevators. They've already prepped a room upstairs for her. But, hurry. We can't wait too long."

Logan nodded and sped off. Rory tried to concentrate on her breathing as they wheeled her inside and to the elevator. What seemed like ages, but was probably only several minutes, Logan finally joined them and the nurses called the elevator. Rory gripped his hand and tried to smile at her. But, it was probably really a grimace.

They quickly made their way up to the Labor and Delivery floor and Rory groaned when she got there, but it wasn't from the pain. "I forgot about the name of this floor!"

Logan looked at her quizzically until he noticed the name on the wall. "Something you need to tell me, Ace?"

Rory rolled her eyes. "It was named for my Great-grandmother, not me."

Logan laughed as they walked by the big lettering on the wall that said, "Lorelai Gilmore Labor and Delivery Wing." They were wheeled down the hall and into a room, where Rory was helped onto the bed. The nurses closed the privacy curtain and Logan helped Rory into the hospital gown and then helped her to lay back on the bed.

"Thanks, Logan."

"No problem, Ace. Are you comfortable?"

"Well, as comfortable as can be considering I think I'm being ripped apart inside."

They were silent for a few minutes before Rory asked, "Logan, have you called everyone?"

Logan's eyes widened. "I didn't even think about that. Let me go do that now."

As he was making his way out, he was met by the doctor and turned around to come back in. "Logan, go on and call. I'm sure this will just involved poking and prodding."

With verification from the doctor, Logan went into the hall while the doctor stepped closer. "So, Rory, how are you feeling?"

Rory glared at him and the doctor chuckled. "Well, I guess that was a bit of a stupid question. Let's take a look, shall we?"

The nurses helped Rory get herself situated on the bed and her feet in the stirrups. While it wasn't as uncomfortable as it used to be, Rory still wasn't quite comfortable to have someone looking at her lady bits. She could feel the doctor down there, but wasn't sure what was going on. After a few minutes, the doctor rolled back and said, "Well, it seems that your labor is progressing very quickly. Can you tell me when your pains started?"

Rory thought about it while she moved her legs out of the stirrups. "Well, I've had some stomach pains for a few days, but chalked it up to eating something bad or whatever."

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