Chapter 7

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Life continues, though not easily, for Rory and Logan. She finds herself spending more and more time with Logan, and Odette, as they work through they plan to go public. Now that the time was coming closer, Rory found herself worrying more and more about revealing all to not only the world, but Lorelai. The last almost two years had taken their toll on her relationship with her mother. They were still close, but she found herself allowing more time to pass between conversations and chalked it up to working constantly.

She was working constantly on writing and attempting to make a name for herself so that she wouldn't think her career aspirations were for nothing. Unfortunately, that wasn't going quite as planned. She found herself struggling to get leads on articles and places that were willing to pay her for her writing. Logan told her that money was obviously not an issue, but until they went public, Rory definitely wouldn't even consider redefining her career.

Instead, she found herself bouncing around, pursuing interviews with companies she didn't want to work for, trying to make a book deal work with an eccentric British woman that couldn't sit still to save her life, and trying to hide her frustrations at her married life from all those around her.

That must be why she was so surprised to find herself working at the Stars Hollow Gazette and enjoying the work, even if it didn't pay much and she was driven mad daily by the townspeople's demands. Yet, even with that, she was glad to be somewhere she felt like she was making a difference and that she could be herself, albeit a bit more serious now.

A few days after starting her work at the Gazette, Rory found herself staring at the ancient computer screen in front of her thinking over everything that had happened with her over the past two years: getting married in secret, not telling the majority of her family and friends, living the vagabond lifestyle. Even though she wouldn't change a thing about it since she had Logan—and her grandparents—with her always.

While staring at the screen, she heard her phone ping. She looked at the screen and gasped. It was from Logan and simply said, "We're ready."

Rory sat back. This was it. This was the text that would probably redirect the rest of her life. Ever since the prenup, she, Logan, Odette, and her grandparents had been working towards finally going public and becoming free. Logan and Odette still hadn't signed the prenup, even though there was pressure from both of their families. It hadn't been easy and she fielded more than her share of terse conversations from Logan about the situation.

But, this text, if it meant what she thought it meant, was the start of everything changing. Seeing that she was alone in the office, she quickly locked the door and dialed Logan. Her legs jiggled as she listened to it ring. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Logan picked up on the other end.

"Hey, Ace."

"How can you be so nonchalant?" she asked.

Logan laughed. "Whatever do you mean?"



Rory scoffed. "You sent me a cryptic text that I imagine can only deal with one thing really and you're playing games!"

Logan laughed again. "Ace, come on. I knew you would call as soon as you could and I know you would be worked up. So, of course, I'm going to play it up a bit."

Rory huffed. "You still haven't told me what I want to know."

"The text does mean exactly what you think it means. My holdings are separate and safe from my father and everything for us is set. Once we go public, my father has no legal recourse to sue me or take any of my holdings. All the money that I've separated is money that I've made outright. Any money that has come from him recently, I have left alone."

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