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I quickly looked up from the book I had been reading as the click of heels began to get louder and the door swung open. 

"Harley, door" The maid had said in a deep french accent. I nodded, stood up straightening the dress I was forced to wear and went to the large door.


"Hello how may I-" I began but was immediately cut off as a pair of arms snaked their way around my hips and a face pressed into the crook of my neck.

"Hello Amber." I sighed and returned the embrace. 

"I'm sorry, I just had to see if you were okay, I just I can't, I mean, ugh whatever sorry." She said looking down at her shoes. 

"It's fine, why don't you come in. We could talk?" I asked moving out of the way so she could walk into the large foyer.

"Damn. Fancy. Where the hell are we?" She asked, looking around and letting out a low whistle.

"Welcome to my dad's house." 


"Yea you know the whole when a mommy and daddy really like each other deal." I said laughing a bit.

"Yea yea but why are you here?" 

"Because suddenly my dad wanted to see me and all that jazz." 

"Okay sure, but that doesn't exactly explain the whole get up." She said eyeing my pastel pink flowing dress that came to my knees, my knee high socks with bows and the pink heels to match the dress. My hair was curled into big spiraling curls tied back with a pink bow. ew.

"Yea my dad is, um controlling." I spat out making sure not to say too much as to worry her.


"It's nothing. Want something to drink?"


After sitting and talking in the kitchen for a while we heard the frantic click of heels running down the hallway into the huge kitchen.

"Harley, your dad.. he is here." The maid said out of breath, i also made a mental note to find out her name.

I silently cussed and signaled for amber to stay where she was sitting.

"Daddy! your home! How was work." I faked a smile and ran to greet my dad.

"A headache. Now move i'm getting coffee." He said beginning to walk towards the kitchen where Amber sat.

"Now daddy, I know you said that no one is to enter or leave the house but she came to the door and-" I was cut off by him shoving me into a side table as he pushed past me.

"Daddy! No please just be nice!" I called as I stumbled into the kitchen after him.

"Who the hell are you and why are you in my home?" I said with red fiery burning in his eyes.

"I am Amber Rose Jones and I am in your house as I came to see your daughter."

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