"Look at those fags!" I heard some squeaky voiced teen yell. I began to rub the sleep out of my eyes seeing as I had dozed off. I tried to stand but couldn't as my legs had become stiff, along with my shoulder were Harley's head had rested. I noticed she was already on her feet and ready to punch someone, her feet planted on the grown, back stiff, arms at the ready, face stern. She was going to kick some ass.
After a few bloodied noses and possibly a broken rib Harley walked over to me again and gave me a hug.
"You okay?" She asked looking into my eyes, searching.
"Yeah, how about you?" I asked looking at the bruise on her arm and shuddering.
"Good. Want to go do something?"
I nodded in reply and noticed it was past 9 o'clock, but barely dark, the stars beginning to pop up one by one, illuminating the sky.