I took my phone out of my pocket after mentally apologizing to Harley and looked at the caller ID.
Amber get your ass home now.
But mom I'm-
No home now.
No mom
-end call-
I quickly ended the call and made a decision.
"Harley, this is a lot to ask but can I stay the night at you place?" I asked, smashing my toes into the dirt through my converse."Is everything okay?" She asked giving me a worried look.
"Yea, it's just if I go home I- never mind." I shook my head, telling myself that she didn't need to know that much about me.
"I have a better idea." She said with a devilish grin across her face. She didn't tell me anything but we soon arrived at a small and shitty motel. We walked up to the front desk and I slammed a fist full of money on the counter.
"We only have one room left. Only one bed." The small man behind the counter said pushing the money back to me. I suddenly felt Harley's hand in mine, and our hands moving to the counter, slamming down in front of his face.
"That's just perfect!" She said smiling to the man then to me. The man gave us a slight look of disgust and a tsk tsk under his breath, which resulted in his wife waddling in and hitting him on the back of the head and apologizing to us. We walked to our room laughing and flopped onto the bed turning on the shitty tv.
After about and hour we decided to go get some food, pulling into a small and local diner. I was just beginning to get the hang of the new town and I hoped I would actually stay here for awhile."What can I get you ladies?" A woman that smelled of old cigar smoke asked us.
"Hello Greta, could we get two burgers and vanilla shakes with fries?" Harley asked in a friendly tone.
"Of course Harley. Extra grease I presume?" She asked laughing more if a croak than anything else.
"As always." Harley smiled her beautiful smile.
"You seem to be well known around here." I said brushing lose hair off of my face.
"I grew up here and I'm nice to the people that deserve for me to be nice to." She said with an airy laugh. We continued to talk while eating and at one point found ourselves confronted with a group of guys outside as we were leaving.
"Hey Harley, how you doin' babe?" One of the taller ones asked. We ignored them and continued to walk by them until the same person grabbed Harley's elbow turning her towards him.
"I said how 're you doin'?" He repeated slightly upset.
"Get the hell off of me" she barely hissed through her teeth.
"But babe," he said getting in close to her face leaning down.
"Get the fuck away from her!" I yelled and pushed him off of her, pushing her behind me.
"Oh you going to stand up for your friend new girl?" I nodded in reply to the asshole, ripping the ponytail holder off of my wrist and quickly putting my hair up. Some one grabbed me from behind but was greeted with my foot in their non existent dick. He howled in pain and fell to his knees. The one I was standing in front of went to punch me, but missed as I grabbed his hand and brought my knee up into his chest. He stumbled back clearly out of breathe as Harley grabbed my arm and started to pull me away, kicking the first guy in the process.
"Why are you sticking up for her bitch?" He yelled after us.
I slowly turned around, grabbing Harley's hand and pulling her closer. Within a second her lips were locked onto mine and I was working my finger through her hair.
"That's why." I yelled as we jumped on Harley's bike.