The Club

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Allie's friends told her to come along with them for a night out. She was leery not only because it was the infamous Joker's club, but because her friends claimed to know him and were going to hang out with him tonight. Allie decided to go, figuring she had nothing to lose. If she didn't like it, she could always leave.

She put on a simple black dress that was somewhat flowy and stopped at her knees. She did her makeup and decided on a rosy pink lipstick and her hair was loosely curled. Her friends arrived and they all left in a cab. They didn't want to drive home after a night of drinking.

"Oh you'll love it. It's not as bad as you're probably thinking. Plus Mr. J is soo sexy." Sarah practically purred the last sentence. "You call him Mr. J?" Allie asked thinking of how tacky that sounded. Sarah, ignoring her tone, said "Yeah, you'll like him. He is very intimidating at first but if you start talking to him, he's cool...still pretty intimidating though. You'll just have to see for yourself."

Allie just could not shake the bizarre aspect of this whole thing. Her friends associated with the Clown Prince of Crime, a guy who has probably killed hundreds of people and who knows what worse things he's done. They arrived at the club, it was very dark looking on the outside, nothing like you would picture a hot night club. Probably to be inconspicuous, Allie thought.

They walked in and everything seemed to be gold colored, stripper poles, chains hanging from the ceiling, even dancers were wearing gold outfits. People were dancing, sipping their drinks and enjoying the booming music. The whole place looked lavish and extravagant. Towards the back was an area sectioned off by long stands of gold beads. And that's exactly where here friends were headed.

After getting through the beads and walking passed a man whom the girls called "Jonny," Allie being was led to a booth with gold light stands around it and large mirrors on the walls. Her friends seemed as comfortable as if they were sitting down for Sunday dinner at their grandparents house.

Then she saw him. He was as much of an alluring sight to take in as his luxurious club.
The pop of bright green hair is the first thing you notice, followed but his snow-white skin. Numerous black tattoos were peaking out of his crisp, white shirt that was unbuttoned probably to his navel, revealing a strong chest and a glimpse of his hard abs. A gun holster was over his shirt, wrapped under his arms. Gold chains hung from his neck and black dress pants completed his attire. Allie couldn't see his shoes but she was sure they alone costed more than her first car.

She felt herself almost trembling as she sat down. The clown spoke first, "Oh how lucky I am to be joined but such beautiful creatures tonight." His voice was just as sexy as he was, low and husky, and he spoke confidently. The girls all giggled quietly, it was like he put them into a trance or something. He then whistled, catching the attention of a young woman carrying a small tray. She immediately came over. "A round of drinks for my pretty ones." And with that she started taking drink orders.

After the server left, Michelle perked up and stated, "Mr. J, this is our friend from college, Allie, she's a business major." He looked over at Allie, he hadn't looked specifically at her since they sat down. He seemed to be taking her in after receiving the previous information. He slowly leaned forward, outstretching his tattooed hand to her. Allie looked to her friends, as if to make sure it was okay. She steadily put her hand in his, he put his head down, and placed a firm kiss on it. "Pleasure," he purred. His holding of her hand lingered for a few seconds afterwards and she looked at his tattoo, it was a grotesque smile covering the top of his hand.

The night continued on, with Allie's friends and Joker talking as normal people would in any other bar/club setting, but every so often he would gaze upon her, making eye contact for several seconds. She thought anyone could get lost in those eyes of his, the most gorgeous shade of blue, the ocean at anytime of day would be jealous. His eyes could just pull you in and never let you go.

After about an hour or so of this Joker looked at Allie intensively. "Miss Allie, tell me, besides business, what is it you do for fun? What makes you tick?" His eyes stayed strictly on her, making her uncomfortable, as she'd never been stared at like this. Her voice trembled , "Uh-m, I actually do a lot of art." she stated nervously then waited for his response. "I would love to see your work sometime. I bet it is incredible." He seem genuinely interested, which she was not expecting.

Joker then wanted to know how the four friends met. Joanna explained that she, Michelle, and Sarah were in a sorority together and they met Allie at a party one night. "Allie's super quiet, but she's really fun to hangout with once you get her to open up." Joanna looked over to Allie jokingly scrunching her face at her. "She'll have to prove that to me." Joker said, referring to her being fun to be around.

It was almost 11 p.m. when Joker gave the girls an open invitation to his house as he was having people over after leaving the club. Sarah nudged Allie, "wanna go?" Joker noticed this and watched carefully for her answer. She simply nodded and they all were led out by Joker through the back door.

They were picked up by a large SUV with windows tinted as dark as the black paint on the exterior. Allie and Sarah were in the third seat with the other two girls ahead of them, Joker was seated up front with Jonny, the same man from earlier at the club, who was driving. Allie happened to glance at the rear view mirror and met Joker's cerulean eyes. He was staring again. Why was he doing this? She was uneasy, not because of him-he was actually starting to grow on her, but she had no idea how to handle being looked at in this way.

A/N- if you're reading this, feel free to let me know what you think! If I could do something better, got something wrong, etc. I'd like to hear from you!

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