Just Because

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Another week went by and Allie was having lunch with the other three girls. Joanna spoke up,"Mr. J wants us to come hang out with him at the club. He didn't say anything but I know he wants to see you, Allie." They all understood her reasoning for not seeing him, but they also knew how she felt about him. Michelle added, "Maybe just talk to him. He knows he can't come to you first." "That's the thing. I don't want him to come to me. I don't want anything to do with him!" Allie retorted. "We understand. We just want to see you happy and it really seemed like you had a shot at it with him." Sarah stated, wanting her to see that they  only want the best for her.

"But let me guess, you guys were going to go tonight even if I wasn't?" Allie was annoyed, and the rest of the girls stayed silent, no sense of denial form any of them. Allie scoffed, "you're all fucking bitches." She angrily got up from the table and left. She got home and there was a huge glass vase packed full of vibrant red roses. Joker. He had been sending stuff to her regularly over the past two weeks, including that necklace. She picked up the small card that was accompanied by the roses.

At this point all I need you to know is that I've never felt this way before.
Love, Mr. J

She gripped the vase, all she wanted was to see it shatter against the wall. She stopped herself, realizing that the arrangement was just too beautiful to be destroyed. She settled herself down and picked up her phone to call Sarah. "Hey." "Sarah I'm sorry for earlier, I didn't mean what I said-" "I know, and we were going to go to his club tonight but just to tell him that you didn't want to come. We wouldn't hang out with him without you. We understand." Allie could feel herself tearing up. "Thank you. You're good friends. Uh-I um kinda want to get drunk."

The four of them went to different club, not Joker's for obvious reasons. It was around midnight and Allie could barely walk but she felt great. She stumbled into Sarah on the dance floor. "Okay," Sarah said, "let's go sit down for a while." She took Allie by the hand, leading her back to their table. They sat down, and Allie said, "you know what I wanna do? I wanna call him and tell him I'm over it! The whole thing! I don't care about his beautiful eyes or his big, magic cock anymore!" Allie was definitely unlike herself when she drank. Sarah laughed, putting her hand on Allie shoulder, "Oh wow, hon, just calm down. You don't need to call him, that's not a good idea."

"I'm going to the bathroom, Allie. Do I need to take your phone with me?" Sarah asked. "No you're right, it'd be dumb to call him." Allie gave her a reassuring grin. As soon as Sarah was out of sight. Allie found Joker's contact in her phone and pressed the call button and placed the phone to her ear.

Joker was in his home office, finishing up some work on his laptop when his phone lit up with her name. He didn't believe it at first, then he got worried that something was wrong. He immediately answered, "Allie? Are you alright?" He spoke with urgency. "Oh yes, Mr. J, I'm fantastic!" Then a thought came to her mind, she was going to mess with him. "I'm just sooo horny, I need you Mr. J." "Have you been drinking?" She giggled, "That would be a yes. We should fuck." "Allie where are you? I'm coming to bring you home. The state you're in is not safe." "You know all about safety don't you, Mr. Criminal? You fucking kill people, why are you giving me shit?" She hung up on him.

Joker looked at his phone, he knew he had to find out where she was. Just a few minutes went by and then he and Frost were headed her way. They got to the club and he put his hood over his head, his bright green hair and white skin would be easily recognizable in a crowded place. The two men got out of the car and entered through the doors. "Let me know if you see her." He said to Frost. Then there she was, walking in his direction. She could hardly keep herself balanced. He went to her.

Allie suddenly felt a body close to her. "Let's go." He demanded. She laughed in his face. "Who are you? My dad? Fuck off Joker." He was getting angry at her. "Allie I'm taking you home." "No-" she covered her mouth and ran into the bathroom. Joker had no choice but to wait until she came back out. Sarah walked his way, "oh shit, she called you? Where is she?" He nodded toward the women's bathroom door. Sarah walked toward it, just as Allie was coming out. Allie looked at Sarah and then at Joker. He spoke up, "I'm taking her home." He made his way to Allie and put an arm around her to keep her stable. She put her hand on his shoulder and Frost led them to the car.

Joker sat in the backseat with Allie and she rested her head on his shoulder as they rode through the night in silence. "Thank you for coming to get me." She said it quietly. "I'd do anything for you." She lifted her head to look him in the eyes. "Why? Why would you?" He took a minute to answer. "Just because." They finally reached her apartment.

They got inside and he walked her to her bedroom. She sat on the bed and removed her shoes. "Are you alright from here?" She looked at him and nodded. He walked toward her, placed a hand softly on her cheek. "Take care of yourself, ok?" She gave him a small smile. He turned and started to walk away, but something shiny on her dresser caught his eye. He picked up the necklace and looked at it, then looked at Allie, "you still have this."

"Wanna put it on me?" She didn't even think about what she was saying. "Are you sure? You know what that means right?" "Yes." He walked back to the bed, joker necklace in hand. He slid his hands around her neck, her hair brushing against him, and he hooked the necklace together. He centered it in between her collarbones. "Perfect." She blushed and felt her new jewelry with her fingertips. " I should go, Kitten. Until next time." He cooed.

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