The Girl, Rehearsing.

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Hey everyone whats up I'm your new colleague and my name is (Last Name) (Name) and I am a professional firefighter.

 Mr. Fukuzawa asked me to come help you guys and I'm extremely glad to be working with such talented people 

unless you don't know I'm not an ability user and I don't know anything about your abilities either so don't worry

I am a firefighter my job is to save lives not destroy them...

how'd it go, huh?  you scream.

Shinoa: extremely OK, I think so.

you: "yeah oh yeah  I'm gonna get it

I'm gonna get it

I'm gonna go to the agency

wear dazzling clothes all day long

and no one to stop me"

Shinoa: don't get your hopes up

I've heard that the agency people are awkward and very scary...

you: really oh I'm scared.

shinoa: write these words down

you won't stand a chance against those ability users...

you: shut up already dont discourage me

shinoa: LOL! I'm just telling you the facts

you: yeah well keep your facts to yourself.

shinoa: "can't keep my facts to myself

I mean I could but why would I want to?"

you: Ok bye I'm going to my house its no use talking to you about anything you're always so grumpy.


shinoa: OK byeeeeeeee!

(you leave shinoa's house and head to your house and suddenly you bump in a person)

person: oh I'm extremely sorry my mistake are you hurt? I'm really sorry please I really am...

you: no problem I'm OK there's no need to apologize really...

person: oh thanks

you: my pleasure

(that person flees and you start walking towards your house)


I sincerely apologize for all typos and grammatical+structural mistakes.

My sister has no regard for such things. *shakes head*

(but neither do I)

P.s I just realized that it is actually a reader-insert...

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