My Three Pokemon

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"Hello my name is Kieran, I want to become a Pokemon Master like Ash Ketchum."

Well yesterday I had my first gym battle and I won in my first try, I am super happy that my friends got to watch the battle and cheer me on. I still couldn't believe how I caught my third Pokemon. No-one knows about my third catch because I want to see how good this Pokemon is as I haven't battled it yet.

I went to a battlefield and brought out my three Pokemon's: Charmander, Pidgey and Ponyta.

Charmander was super happy while Pidgey on the other hand was scared like usual. I just don't understand Pidgey, it's probably because it was treated badly. I don't know, I guess I will never know.

I checked out my new Pokemon moves:

Tail whip

I was amazed by the moves that my Ponyta had, she was amazing and she was getting along with Charmander so well which makes me happy.

I wanted to train my Pokemon's up for the next gym battle with Misty, a water type gym leader. I'm at a disadvantage because of having two fire types on my team but I will work something out.

I started training with my Pokemon, setting up different types of drills and methods.

First training was speed, Pidgey, as I saw in the battle with Brock it was fast. But I wanted to know just how fast it really was.

Usually Pidgey's have a speed of 56 but mine was extra fast going at a speed of 67. I was amazed at how fast my Pidgey was, I was feeling rather pleased with myself for catching this Pidgey.

Next was my Charmander, his speed was 65 like a normal Charmander. I wasn't upset because I know once he evolve into a Chameleon, he will get faster.

Now my Ponyta was up next and oh my she was fast. Her speed came at staggering 90, which makes her my fastest Pokemon yet. I was really chuffed with the outcome of 'catching' this Pokemon.

The next drill was battling, so I asked Jack to come down and help me with it. He looked at me and opened his mouth:

"Hold up Kieran! What is this fire looking horse Pokemon doing with you?"

Oh yeah I thought, I forgot to tell everyone about my new Pokemon.

"Hmm... Jack this is my new Pokemon Ponyta. It's a weird story how I caught it but right now we both need training, because you have a battle later with Brock. On other hand, I need to know how truly good my Ponyta is."

So I used Ponyta against his Ekans because he wanted to check out his Pokemon as well.

I reminded myself of the moves from Ekans:
Poison string

Good move set I thought, Jack checked out Ponyta on his pokedex.

"You have a really good Pokemon there Kieran. I still want to know how you caught that Pokemon?" Jack asked.

"Yeah okay enough with the chit chatting and I will explain later. Right now we have a battle. " I said.

Just as the battle was about to begin, we got interrupted by the mean people that attacked Charmander before.

"Hello and welcome to the stars, I'm Winnie."

"I'm Phil and together we're Team Rix at your service."

They sent out their Pokemon but there wasn't anytime to register them into the pokedex.

"Ghastly, use tackle.... Ratticate use bite."

"Oddish, use poison powder."

I looked at Jack and I told him I will take on the Oddish and Ghastly while he takes on the Ratticate.

Ponyta used flame wheel on Oddish while my Charmander and Pidgey both used tackle on Ghastly. Jack instructed his Ekans to use bite on Ratticate.

My two fire Pokemon used ember and Pidgey used gust as the last moves to help send away the two mean people that calls themselves Team Rix, what a stupid name!

I looked at Jack and Jack looked at me, we both smiled at how great we worked as a team.

"I think that's enough training for today, so how about that story?" Asked Jack, while he was returning his Pokemon.

I laughed and return all my Pokemon.

"Sure why not, we have got time before your battle with Brock later." I said.

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