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Although she had always looked forward for the day she would go to Seoul, when the day actually did come, Primrose felt a bit lonely and out of place. She wasn't the only foreigner on the aeroplane -which he was happy about- but she was only one on the flight who wasn't being picked up by someone already in the country. She had already accepted it beforehand but now as it took place, she felt as though everyone was judging her for being so lonely, although in reality, no one paid attention to the brunnette. 

She made her way out of the airport and onto the street where she easily found a cab. Prim handed the driver the address of her apartment and he drove her there passing by the breath-taking city which was lit up by both lights coming from the inside and street lamps, and the moon above.

"How old are you? Aren't you a little too young to be travelling by yourself?" The driver asked after a long while of awkward silence.

"Well, yeah I guess but since I'm following my dream, I don't mind." 

Prim wasn't sure whether what she said was considered a lie or not because she was following her dream but she did mind. In fact, she would have much rather have stayed at home to avoid feeling so out of place.

It wasn't that she looked different since she was fully Korean and so were her parents but when she was about seven, they left the country and Prim had adapted to the Canadian culture and barely remembered the Korean one. She felt that people judged her for forgetting her own culture and probably shunned for it although she knew herself that she was being paranoid.
Finally, she arrived at her destination and quickly paid the driver before gazing up at the skyscraper Primrose knew was entirely consisting of apartments. 

Once she finally gathered the courage to walk in, she headed to the reception, got the keys for the apartment her parents bought for her online.

It wasn't too big but it sure was fancy and posh...too posh for Prim's liking. She was messy after all and the white rooms didn't help her but she had expected it. Her father was a rich businessman and always wanted to go all out if it meant showcasing just how rich he was through furniture. That's why she felt limited to certain area in her own house, a feeling she felt no one should feel.

Placing her luggage in her bedroom, Prim settled on ordering pizza. She knew she should instead eat something Korean to remind her of her roots but her craving for the Italian dish overcame the small voice at the back of her mind.

Waiting for her food to be delivered, she began to unpack her things into the wardrobe in her room and rearrange the whole house, just to make it a little more 'her'. 

Staring at the empty kitchen cupboards and fridge, Prim made a self note to go shopping the next day during her spare time which she realised would become very scarce as the weeks go by.

Her original plan was to got to the entertainment at four a.m to seven to work on her vocals then return to her apartment which was only a twenty minute walk away. Primrose could the distance convenient as she could jog to and from the entertainment as a form of exercise. She planned on getting ready for school then and leave at half eight since the school started at nine and was only a kilometre away from the apartment. After school, around four o'clock she would go to JYP Entertainment again but instead, practise her dancing then her acting before going back to her apartment.

She huffed upon realising just how busy she was going to be. 

"Everything will be okay, Prim, don't worry. Before you know it, you'll be debuting," she encouraged herself.

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