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"Prim!" Nayeon cheered, opening her door wider that it had been before, granting her access.
"Girl, you never told me you lived in a mansion!" Prim commented as she took off her coat, placing it on the coat hanger.
"You didn't tell me you used to too."
"Oh my gosh, how did you find out?"
"A little something called the internet."
"You were stalking me?"
"I wouldn't call in stalking...Oh who am I kidding? Yeah, I stalked you. By the way, that boy you used to hang out around and take many pictures with is hot!"
"Oh, Wes? Yeah, I guess he is. We were best friends."
"Have you always been the type to become really close friends with guys before girls?"
"Well...I never thought about it, BTS I guess yes." Nayeon nodded before leading Prim to the kitchen where her older sister was preparing a meal to them.
"Prim this is Jiyeon, Jiyeon this is Prim," Nayeon introduced.
"Hi," Prim waved before Jiyeon did the same.
"Are you feeling hungry yet?" Jiyeon asked Prim.
"No...at least not yet."
"Thank goodness because I'm not done with the food. Just give me half an hour. In the meantime, you can hang out in the lounge. I think Steak, Mutton and Pork are in there."
"Okay, let's go, Prim," Nayeon spoke as she led her to the lounge.
"Steak, Mutton and Pork?" Prim asked, cocking an eyebrow.
"You'll see," was all she responded with before opening the lounge door, revealing a room with one black wall, two white and a large glass window which made up for the last wall. A glass door stood in the end of the glass window, leading to a balcony.

Two Norwegian-Forest kittens raced towards them, standing on their hind legs as they scratched at the air. The last kitten remained in the couch.

"Meet Steak, Mutton and Pork, our kittens. Steak is the darkest one, Mutton is the one with black-grey and white fur and last but not least, Pork is the lazy kitten over there how couldn't be bothered to greet you."
"Oh my gosh, they're so cute!"

"Are you more of a dog person or cat person?" Nayeon asked as she picked up Mutton, carrying him to the couch opposite the television.

"I'm more of a dog person but that doesn't stop me from loving cats."

"Same, but Jiyeon is allergic to dogs so we got kittens instead."

"When did you get them?" Prim asked, stroking Steak as he spurred against her lap.

"A couple months ago. They were one month auf at the time. The woman at the shelter told us that their mother had deserted them. Originally, she had seven kittens but only three were still alive when they found them. Those three were Steak, Mutton and Pork."

"Oh...poor guys, they must have had a rough past. But at least now they are happy."

"Yeah, I agree."

"So, Prim," Jiyeon started as she entered the lounge with a tray holding three plates of lasagne and three cans of soda. "How long are you planning to stay here?" She placed the tray down on a dining table that stood in the middle of the balcony, setting up the table for them.

"I don't know. It depends..."

"On?" Nayeon asked, furrowing her eyebrows.

"When my father leaves. He's been giving me a hard time for as long as I can remember. I was happy when I moved here because I didn't have to deal with him anymore but he arrived yesterday and we've already had an argument." Jiyeon and Nayeon exchanged glances.

"I didn't used too get along well with Nayeon's father. He used to abuse me since I wasn't his child. I can't totally understand how you feel because I was only a child back then but at least I have an idea," Jiyeon confessed.

"Why don't you try reasoning with him?" Nayeon asked.

"It's not that easy. He always wants to speak but never listens," was Prim's reply.

"Talk to your Mum then. Does she know about your dad?"

"Yeah, and she does try to talk to him. The only problem is she's still in love with him. I don't want to ruin that."

"It's party, Prim," Jiyeon mentioned, patting her back. "Stay as long as you want."

"Thank you guys so much for understanding and giving me a place to stay. I really appreciate it."

143 Flowers (Stray Kids Lee Minho//Lee Know)Where stories live. Discover now