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taebae088 :
yo did you wear polka dots today?

sailormoonbitch :
who the fuck are you? how did you get my number?

taebae088 :
I have my ways ; )

sailormoonbitch :
fucking creep and what do you mean by polka dots.

taebae088 :
you know what I mean. I saw you when you accidentally slipped while entering the school cafeteria.

sailormoonbitch :
bastard, If I ever come across you I'll choke you with my own two hands.

taebae088 :
rOOd and KinkY. I had no clue you were into choking ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)  

sailormoonbitch :
wth? who the fuck are you?

taebae008  :
anyways whats with the username. so not you 🤔

sailormoonbitch :
don't act as if you know me and well what sort of name is taebae?
atleast mine makes sense.

taebae088 :
it's still better then yours, FIGHT  ME

sailormoonbitch :
gladly, would love to smash your face.

taebae008 :
I can smash something else too ; )

sailormoonbitch :
fuck off

taebae008 :
happily : )

sailormoonnbitch :
Im blocking your ass

taebae088 :
hey WAIT. no StOP

sailormoonbitch :
what now?

taebae088 :
I am pregnant with your child.

[ The user 'sailormoonbitch' has currently blocked you ]


Kim Taehyung
"dang it, she really blocked me" a faint chuckle left my mouth as I watched her narrowing her eyebrows while searching around the cafeteria to find the person who texted her.


well I got to irritate her a lot yestarday in the detention. Today I might just satisfy myself by admiring her from far.

a/n : sorry for the short chap will make it up next time.
next chap is about the detention 😏😏😏
lol i can't even count right. I wrote this chapter as 4 instead of 3 😂

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