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a/n: missed me? I'm back ; )
Park Chaeyoung
"ugh why me? can't you assign anyone else?" I groaned on the thought of teaching that loser.

"cause you scored the highest in the subject last year if I remember correctly" Mr. kim said adjusting his glasses while eyeing my nametag which was half broken.

"but st-"

"no but's, if you want full attendance you gotta do this"

This sly fox. He clearly knows that I have bad attendance which will make my overall performance drop quite a bit so he's using it against me.

"no way on eath I'm teaching that wild buffalo" I crossed my hands and looked way waiting for him to admit defeat and offer me another offer to modify my attendance but unfortunately thay was not the case.

He was more persistant then I was and wasn't ready to give up. I was about to walk away but then I remembered my dad's words.

'If you come in the second place again, then no need to come back home. I dont want a failure like you linked to the Park family'

I kept my ego aside and turned around with a annoyed face.

"fine" I said crossing my hands again.

"so when do we start dear?" Mr. kim said with a smirk on his face. He clearly did this to annoy me.


"yah kim taehyung" I called his name as I entered the class room.

everyone else's head automatically went down seeing my annoyed face.

"I'm here, my princess" the wild buffalo appeared spreading his arms wide attempting to engulf me in a hug.

but before he could even touch me I moved a bit aside and place my feet a bit out causing him to trip on it.

I chuckled seeing him rub his butt while trying to stand up.


"who falls for that?" I said shaking my head.

"fools who are blinded by love" he replied while wiping his fake tears.

I rolled my eyes at his dumb response.

"follow me" I said while walking out of the classroom.

"as you wish" he said while  winking.

what is he thinking?

I took him to the rooftop so that we can have some privacy. I don't want anyone else to know about this. It will ruin my image.

"what happened... rose?" he merely whispered the last words but they were quite audible to me.

not wanting to start a fight, I decided to ignore it.

"as usually I'll get straight to the point" I while placing my hands on the railing as I leaned a bit forward.

I could hear him 'hum' in response.

"Mr. Kim appointed me to teach you maths" I paused for a while before continuing.
"one on one"

I turned around to see him with a rather annoyed face but when he noticed I was observing him his expression did a total 360° change.

Again with that weird expression change. The fuck is he hiding?

He smiled ear to ear and his eyes were about to pop out.

what a two faced person.

"really?" he asked with enthusiasm.

"hmm" I decided to walk out completely ignoring what he was saying.

suddenly he held my arm and pulled me back.

"dont touch me!" I pushed his hand away and gave him the most deadly glare I could.

"oooouuu, dont touch me" he repeated with a annoying squeaky voice while waving his hands in the hair like a seal.

"the heck? dont repeat whatever I say" I gritted my teeth as I let out each of the words

"the heck? dont repeat what- ouch ouch ouch okay okay I wont repeat" he put his hands up in defeat and I stopped hitting him.

"good" I rolled my eyes as I pulled out a cigarette. I placed it in mouth and lighted it up.

I inhaled the smoke slowly and began to walk out.

To my surprise he harshly yanked my hand and took the cigarette out of my mouth then stomped on it.


"YAH" I screamed loudly at him making him flinch.

"wh-what? ...smoking is bad for health" he said with a scared expression.

yeah you better be scared. Im gonna whip your annoying ass now.

"you're so dead." I began to run after him.

But damn he is fast as fuck.

I was literally out of breath trying to catch him and he was not even sweating... at all!

Have I gotten weaker?

I was extremely indulged in my own thoughts that I didn't realise that there was a big ass rock in front of me and guess what?


In front of the whole school.

I looked up and saw hundreds of faces staring at me with amusement.

The silent chuckles which were escaping from their mouth looked like a horror scene to me.

I suddenly started to get horrible flashbacks from middle school.

I hated it.

"get up clumsy" taehyung attempted to lift me up by my arm but me being the tsundere I am, I yanked it back.

"just leave me alone, let them have their fun of their life time. It must be really amusing for them to see me look so patheti- yo yo yo, the fuck do you think you're doing?"

He suddenly lift me up in his arms and casually began walking out of the scene like this is some sort romantic drama.

"are you nuts? put me down!" I began slightly hitting his shoulder but it had no affect on him.

"aish you know what chaeyoung? you're even more cute when you're embarrassed" he let out a silent chuckle and it was followed by my loud groan.

He took me the nurse office and told the nurse to bandage up my wounds.

The nurse said that the knee wound was a bit deep so it had to be stitched up.

while the nurse was addressing my wound, taehyung would occasionally gasp and squirm  seeing the process.

what a cry baby.

even though I would lie of I say it didn't hurt but it was really not that bad.

when she was done with her work she explained me the process on how to properly clean the wound.

I bowed and thanked her and started to head towards the classroom.

unfortunately I was limping due to the pain.

I let out a groan as I looked at the watch. The class must have already started. now she'll make me stand outside.

I turned around to lecture taehyung since this was all his fault but to my dissapointment he had suddenly disappeared.

"huh? where did he go?" I was so confused but eventually decided to continue my painful journey without bothering much about him.


*short update sorry
*please ignore typos

edit : 1k reads omg wtf?! thankssss 😭😭😭 ❤❤❤

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