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Park chaeyoung
I was knocking on his door for about 15mins but no one seemed to be opening it.

ugh I have other things to do too. does this dumbass think that I am free 24/7?

I was about to walk away but then I heard the door behind me suddenly open.

I turned around and saw taehyung with messy hair and his eyes were half open.

was he sleeping uptil now? *scoffs* its 8 in the moring. who the fuck wakes up this late.

"yah! do you think I'm your servant to stand outside in the sun for an hour!" I screamed at him frustrated.

"you were standing out for barely 10-15mins" he said opening the door wider indicating me to get in.

"and dont scream early in the morning you'll wake others up with our loud mouth" he said shaking his head.

wtf did he just-?

"yah, hold on. dont show your sass to me" I said while giving him my pissed off face.

"then what should I show you? my ass?" he said trying to control his laughter.

"yah!aish!" its useless to fight against him.

"how about you show me your room instead?" I said massaging my forehead.

"ooh my room? *whistle* lets take it slow baby" he keep dangerously near my face and gave me a sharp wink.

"listen carefully to me now, if you dont want your ring ding dong to go ping pong you better back the fuck off quickly" I threatened him while cracking my knuckles which seemed to have worked since he slowly backed away.

"cool down and you dont wanna hit me there cause if you do we won't be able to produce any babies" he said pouting while folding.

"shut the fuck up you dumbas- wait a minute" I said narrowing my brows.

"what? did you forget your brain at home?" he said stretching while giggling a bit.

I ignored him and started to remember where did I heard this line.

"its too familiar" I said while walking up the stair following taehyung.

"huh? what?" he said looking behind.

"what you said before" I said trying to remember hard.

"its actually better if you dont remember"


"because I said so"

"yeah right, as if I'll do what you said"

"be a bit thankful to others rose" he said opening his bedroom door letting me in.

"what?" I spat without looking at him.

"I saved you last time, remember?" he said wiggling his brows.

"oh that, yeah whatever."

he lets out a big sigh then sits down on his bed.

"you know if you keep behaving like that, no one would like you" he said as a matter of fact without any expression just blankly staring at me.

'thats what she told me'

and so I suddenly started to get flashbacks of the twelve year old me sitting alone at the park without anyone.

I always had to be alone since everyone was afraid of my family

The emptiness that I developed in childhood still follows me till today.

no one would wanna sit besides me in school. They used to avoid me at all costs. even the teachers were no good.

but then I met this girl.

she was the definition of perfect.
she was kind, pretty, humble, smart, talented. everything you could ask for but then one day.

she did something.

something so scary.

it haunts me till today.

suddenly I see two hands waving in front on me.

"you alright? lol. You were literally starring at nothing for about 5 mins" taehyung said snapping me out of my thoughts.

"y-yeah" shit why did I had to stammer.

"you sure?" he asked again while keeping a hand on my shoulder.

"you look quite pale suddenly, you know if you're not feeling well today we can do it tomorrow, I have no probl-"

"I SAID I'M FINE!" I screamed those words at him while shoving his hands off me.

'nobody will like you if you keep behaving like this'

"shut up shut up shut up!!!!" I screamed while pulling my hair to stop those voices inside my head.

Taehyung suddenly rushed besides me trying calm me down but I accidentally ended up slapping him hard on his face.

He look at me with wide eyes as I did the same.

"I uh I am-"

' you're a bitch chaeyoung. you always hurt the feelings of those who love you. you should just kill yourself '


I am not

I wanna prove her wrong.

"Im sorry!" I blurted out surprising myself.

even though taehyung had this unreadable expression on but his expression soon turned soft.

Weirdly he came and stood infront of me and started to pat my head as if I'm a child while embracing me in a hug.

he was trying to calm me down while muttering 'its okay' in a soft voice.

and even more weirdly I was apparently liking that feeling.

I was about to push him away but something inside me restricted myself from doing so.

'what is this w-warm feeling? and why did I never felt this before?'

"rose" he called my name out while detaching himself from me.

"hmm" I said not wanting to look at him due to embarrassment.

"you're flat"

author's note:
omg update after exactly one month.
I'm gonna rush with this story from now on so there might be few thought like how did rose started to like him this soon but just assume that they know each other for a while now.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2018 ⏰

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