Miko Twilight

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Miko Twilight

Whispering Kage

Disclaimer: I own nothing

Summary: Kagome Higurashi never thought moving to live with her father in Forks would change much. Yet here she was stuck between a vampire and a werewolf. Why couldn't anything ever be easy for her? AU

AN: Yes! This is will be continued! Though it may take me a while I need to get back into Twi/IY fics! So please do continue to support me!

Chapter One:

Goodbye's and Hello's

Kagome sighed as she looked around her room one last time, it seemed so barren without her things in it, she would dearly miss it but dwelling on it would do nothing. She turned on her heel and grabbed the two suitcases sitting by her stripped bed.

She carefully made her way down the stairs trying not to fall down them, again. She blinked as someone grabbed the heaviest suitcase from her hand. She craned her neck and smiled at her younger half brother.

"Thanks Souta." He smiled back, his eyes red and puffy, he didn't want her to go live with her dad but he didn't want to make this harder than it was.

"No prob." With that both siblings made their way down the stairs and set her luggage down in the entry hallway. Once done he hugged her from behind and held to her tight. She sighed sadly and hugged him back.

"I don wan you ta go." His voice was muffled by her white tank top but she was still able to hear him.

"I know but I have to, it's for the best but don't worry I'll call, write, yahoo message, face book, and video chat with you." Her voice was layered with mirth, she was trying to cheer up her younger brother.

He pulled away and huffed as she turned to face him.

"You better visit to! Oh and I want to kick your butt on X box live!" She smiled and nodded, ruffling his hair.

"Hai, hai. I will now go get gramps for me please?" He nodded and ran out of the room.

She turned around and smiled at her mother who entered the room with a small sad smile of her own.

"I'm sorry we're making you do this dear." She threw her arms around Kagome and hugged her, guilt rolling off her in waves.

Kagome sighed and pulled her closer.

"It's not your fault and you make living with dad sound like it's a punishment." Her mother pulled back an unnamable look on her face. Kagome laughed.

"Okay wrong choice of words but still, it won't be that bad. Besides I'm almost a full grown woman. You just got married and you need time to spend it with your new husband, the brat, and gramps." Her mother nodded, easily letting her daughter cheer her up.

Yes, she knew she was not the best of mothers, that she had made mistakes, but she still tired her hardest and that was all that matter to her daughter. For so long it had been just them and her father and then she had met Kyo. He was a nice man and they had dated a bit she got pregnant and well things got complicated.

Kyo was already married, yes, she was the other woman. Nonetheless she kept the baby, knowing Kyo would not take an active part in raising him. For eight years they had struggled to stay afloat, they were all crammed into a two bedroom apartment at the time, yet it was around this time last year that Kyo had left his wife and pursued a real relationship with her.

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