Chapter Three- Of Ranting and Raving

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Chapter Three:

Of Ranting and Raving

Kagome had never been so relieved to hear a bell ring then she was that day. She quickly gathered her things and was out of the door in the blink of an eye.

She ignored everyone else as she made her way through the crowd to her truck, Inu as she had named him yes him, and got in. She let out an aggregated yell and hit her steering wheel making her horn blare.

She blushed lightly as people turned to look at her like she was crazy, she rolled her eyes and started up her truck and was out of the school parking lot like a bat out of hell.

It was fifteen minutes later that she was home and stormed her way into her room, making her dad pop his head wearily out of the living room, and tossed her bag on her bed. This day officially sucked, even so she mused that she shouldn't let it bring her down. So with lighter steps she made her way down stairs

She smiled as she entered the living room. Her dad turned weary eyes to her. "Everything okay there sweetheart?" She nodded at him, her mood having done a one eighty. "Yup, so…what are we doing for dinner?"

Charlie blinked and sat up. "Well…hmm…since today was your first day of school lets go out to eat." She smiled and nodded happily. "Sure! Oh! Can we invite Jake and his dad?"

Charlie blinked a sly smile breaking across his face making her blush lightly. "Don't you dare say a thing…" She trailed off letting the threat hang in the air. He merely shrugged innocently and moved to call them.

Kagome waved her blush away as she plopped down on the couch. Really! Her dad was silly, to think that she liked Jacob like that! It was just she hadn't seen him in forever and she had fun with him yesterday. Plus she had a horrid day and she wanted to rant to someone and who better then someone near her age?

She blinked as her dad walked back into the room and leaned against the wall. "Well…Billy can't go but Jacob's all for it, but we have to pick him up is that okay?" She smiled and nodded. "Sure…so let's go?"

Charlie nodded and with that they left the house.

It was five minutes later that Kagome blushed as she turned to her smirking dad.

"Um…I don't know where I'm going." Her dad laughed at her.

"Why don't you pull over? I'll drive." She nodded and pulled over to let her dad take the driver's seat. Once that was done they were on their way once again and it was fifteen minutes later that they were entering the reservation.

Kagome smiled as she took in the earthy little reservation, yes, Forks was full of green life but here on the reservation she felt at home, more so then she did in the town.

She smiled at everyone who turned to look at her and even waved back to a few. She vaguely remembered coming here when she was younger.

She grinned as they pulled up to Jacob's house and quickly jumped out of the still semi moving car, making her dad yell out, and tackled Jacob in a hug.

"Jake!" He laughed as he caught her and hugged her back.

"Whoa! I know I'm hot but really Kagome!" She rolled her eyes as she pulled back and grinned up at him.

"Yeah, yeah Jake. It's just I'm so glad to see a happy friendly face. My first day of school was…eventful." He smiled at her in sympathy. "Poor, poor Kagome." She stuck her tongue out at him and let him go in order to hug Billy.

He hugged her back and tossed Charlie a smile. "I told you, you should transfer her to the school on the reservation." Charlie rolled his eyes. "Um, she's not Indian duh."

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