Jack G sweet

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You had missed your period. You never missed your period. Jack and you were super safe and always used a condom and you were in birth control.

You were snapped out of your thoughts when your phone went off.

"Hey bby girl, wanna come watch a movie" jack texted

"Yeah be there in a few" you texted back

"Be safe love you"

"Ily2" you texted back

You got in your car and all you could think about was your period being 2 weeks late.

You finally got there and Jack greeted you.

"Hello Beautiful" he smiled and embraced you in a hug

He was so warm and made you forget for a second. Jack made you feel loved and worth something.

"Hi handsome" you kissed him

You sat on the couch in Jacks lap.

He turned on some movie. He out on "what to expect when your expecting"

How ironic. You thought

It got to around the middle when you were just cuddling with jack and he blurted "it will be fun when we have kids, don't you think?"

"Uh, um, yeah sure" you mumbled

"You ok? You seem a little upset, what's wrong babe?"

"I'm scared I'm pregnant." You couldn't keep it in you started crying and crying

"It's ok it's ok" he said rubbing your back

"Calm down y/n" he said

"Jack I can't do this. I can't carry a child, I can't be a mom" you started crying more

"Honey, honey, honey, we don't even know!" He said

"I'll be right back, I'm going to get a few tests. Take nap. Relax" he said

"No im coming. I don't wanna be alone." You said

"Come on"

You didn't go in. You waited and cried in the car. You prayed and cried some more. Jack finally came out.

"It took forever I'm sorry" he said kissing you

"Please just hurry up" you said

You got back to Jack's house. Jack help you out of the car. He unlocked the door. You grabbed the bag and tried to run upstairs but jack pulled you into a hug and hugged tightly.

"Everything is going to be ok. No matter what. I love you. I always will love you. It's ok." He said

"Thank you I love you too." You said

You went upstairs and went about your business.

You waited 5 minutes. You did 3 tests.

"I'm to nervous to look. You look" you told jack

A big smile came across Jacks face.

"We are having a baby!" He yelled

He lifted you up and swirled you around. You couldn't breathe. It didn't feel real.

"I'm gonna be a mom." You said quietly

"No." Jack said firmly

"You're going to be the best mom." He corrected

"We can do this" he said

Sorry if this was t the best I have like 10-15 requests and I'm so busy! I've been so busy with dance and church and just everything. Ugh. Idk I've been like flirting with this boy so it's been a crazy couple of weeks! Thank you for over 20k reads that's crazy! Love you guys! Keep requesting 😊😊

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