Jacob Whitesides Cute

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You and Jacob were at his grandparents house for thanksgiving. Your parents let you come with him. All the way from your town in Florida to Texas. You traveled a lot for dance but only with your mom. You were really nervous but Jacob was always rights there next to you.

Jacob was not only your boyfriend but your best friend. It was Jacobs whole family siblings, grandparents, and parents.

You were sitting at the table and everyone had started eating. You were bulimic and anorexic. Jacob knew but he didn't tell his mother or father because he wanted you to be comfortable.

Everyone went around the table sharing what they were thankful for. Then it was Jacobs turn.

"I am so truly and dearly thankful for my family but also for my best friend and amazing beautiful girlfriend y/n, she's the best thing that's ever happened to me I would do anything for her. I hope one day she can see herself as I see her. I hope she can realize how truly amazing she is. Thank you y/n. Also I'm thankful for my fans and how far I've come. I love you" he said kissing you and putting his hand on your waist.

"I love you to." You said

"I'm thankful for my own family but also The Whitesides family. Thank you for your support and loving me as one of your own. Thank you for letting me fly here and share a room with Jacob. Thank You for your trust. Lastly I'm thankful for My wonderful Boyfriend who has and hopefully always will be there for me."you said he rubbed back and kissed me

"I'll always be here baby" he said

We finished dinner. Jacob and You walked up the stairs.

"I need to take a shower" you said quickly

You were starting to freak out because you needed to purge but didn't want to get Jacob upset.

"Ok I'll get you a towel" he ran and got the towel for you.

You took your clothes off looked at your gross self in the mirror and turned on the water.

You began doing what you had to do. The painful gross process of puking.

You finished finally. Ending with you coughing up blood. That's what happens to long time bulimics you know.

You sat on the floor crying. This didn't happen to often. You tried to pull yourself together but couldn't. So you sat in the shower water still running makeup down your face. Crying.

Suddenly Jacob walked in. He was in his boxers.

"Oh my poor baby" he said

He pulled you by your wrists helping you up. Bringing you into a hug.

"It's alright. Breathe. I'm here. It's ok." He said

This made you cry harder. You hated this. Why did he love you so much?

"Come on. Let's get you changed." He said

You remembered you were naked and grabbed a towel.

"Please go away" you said quietly looking at the floor

"You're so beautiful." He said

He grabbed your waist and tried to pull your towel back down.

"Don't hide, you're the love of my life. You're prefect" he said

He took off your towel. You stood there vulnerable and scared at what he might think.

"I've had a few dreams about the perfect woman" he said

This made you shake a little. You weren't good enough.

"She doesn't even come close to you" he said reaching for you. Bringing you into the most warm and safe hug in the world. You felt so safe in his warm arms.

"I love you Jacob"

"Nope, I love you y/n"


This was my first Jacob imagine hope you guys like it! Keep requesting! I know I haven't updated in a while and a lot of you comment with requests. I'm so busy. I go back to normal school tomorrow and I have dance all weeks and I have friends to so I'm trying my best! Love You 😘😘

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