Chapter: 25

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You can't always get what you want in life....sometimes you have to fight to make it happen....





I feel like someone is calling be but I don't want to wake up. "JOY WAKE UP!" My eyes snap open once I here this voice "I'm up, I'm up" I sit up and look around. "Where am I?" As I look around I see that the sun has gone down and has been replaced with a beautiful crescent moon, that reflects on the lake. Giving it a breathtaking view. The trees that surrounded the lake made it look like big walls, almost as if no one could come through. It was like I was in a hidden open space in the middle of the woods. "Don't worry Joy your safe. I had to make you tired in order to bring you here. Do you remember?" I turn to see none other than my wolf snow sitting right behind me.

"All I remember is getting tired right after I found out about the rogues killing off all the alpha females. How can I be talking to you face to face, aren't you always suppose to be in here?" I point to my head as I ask. "Not at all, yes we are one but since we are also a goddess we can do what others can not." Snow says as she makes her way to sit right next to me. "Why are we here?" She sighed as she lied down watching the still water. "I wanted to bring you here so that I can explain a few things" I nodded as she continues "we both know that there's is going to be a fight in a near future and we have to find a way to beat the enemy once it comes. But that's not what I wanted to talk about. You see once the war is over if we win or lose after seven years, you my human will become the new moon goddess. You will have to leave everything behind even our mate and pups. I will still be with you just as we are now, but it won't be the same as before because you won't be able to shift anymore." I look at snow like she had grown another head as she finished talking.

"What do you mean mom is still the moon goddess can't she keep going as she is?" I got up and walked to the lake as look at my reflection in the water. "She is starting to fade and soon she will have to cross to the spirit world, and you as her only child have inherited everything from her making you the next in line for moon goddess." She explained

"Why do I have to leave everything behind?" I didn't like to idea of leaving Logan or if we ever have kids I wouldn't want to leave them either. "Your mom has given us seven more  years to enjoy our family. Just like you your mom had to give up everything the only difference is that we are completely a goddess and she was half goddess and human." Snow tried to reason with me.

"Human I also don't want to leave everything behind, but it is something we have to do in order to protect our kind." She said as she whimpered "lets talk about this later we have to go back and warn the packs. How do we get back?" I asked as I pet her soft white fur. "I will take care of that" just as she said those words I felt as if I was being drowned and had no oxygen to breath.

I sit up fast as I gasp for air "Joy my love" I open my eyes and face the person who called me. "Logan?" I ask in a whisper. I was then embraced in a tight hug "don't ever scare me like that again do you hear me." He said but I cut him off "Logan..." "No Joy at one moment your heart stopped beating Joy, I was afraid of losing you." He then broke down in tears. I put my hand on his cheek as I wipe his tears and kiss him.

We shared a very passionate kiss, I pulled away to catch some our breath. "Logan its okay. I'm fine, I promise to never scare you like this. But you also have to keep your mind link open mister." I say as I poke him in the chest with my finger. "Yes and not only that this time you are never leaving my side whether your going to use the bathroom or just across the hall" he said. I just roll my eyes at him. "Yeah sure what ever" just as I was about to get up the door opens.

A wave of fear consumes me as I look into the eyes of non other than my brother.


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