Chapter: 34

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"My darling you must wake up. Your mate is wait for you." I heard my mothers voice "the danger is now gone, but you must remember that your seven years start today. Enjoy these years to the fullest" she said and I could no longer hear her.

I slowly open my eyes and blink a couple of times to adjust to the light. I sit up and stretched. No one was in the room so I got up from bed to go to the bathroom. When I was finishing washing my hands some one broke the door open. Well more like Logan broke the door. "What's wron-" I didn't get to finish when he suddenly embraced  me in to a tight hug, but made sure not to hurt me. "Joy I am never allowing you to set foot on the battle field no matter how strong you are. Especially when your like this" he said sniffing my scent.

"Like what?" I ask tilting my head to the side. " you really don't know. Didn't your wolf tell you" he asked confused "tell me what. Come on tell me what's wrong?" I asked him getting impatient. I saw so much love in his eyes as he kneels down and kisses my stomach. "Love you are carrying our pup in you" he said with joy and excitement in his eyes. I widen my eyes "you mean I'm..I'm pregnant!" I smile as tears of happiness flow down my cheek.

I this is why snow wouldn't talk to me I bet she was protecting the pup all this time while in the fight. 'I guess you really do have a brain in here. Of course I was busy protecting our pup, that's the reason you couldn't be at your full potential' she told be as she was went back to silent.

"We have to tell the others, come on Logan" I pull him out of the room and down the stair to the living room where Jared, Gaby are watching a movie together. "Guys she's awake" Logan announced. They both jumped up and ran to me "it's about time you woke up. You've been asleep for a week and a half now"  Gaby told me as she hugged me. Then Jared came and pulled me into a warm hug. "You had us all worried about you baby sis" he said as he pulled away and kissed my forehead.

"Logan why didn't you tell me  I was out for this long" I look at him as he scratches the back of his neck. I'll let it pass just this once since I'm in a good mood. "Back to the point the both of you will become....An Uncle and Aunt!" I tell them with excitement. "I'm pregnant with the next Alpha heir" I say proudly as Logan snakes his arms around my waist.

"Yes I'm going to spoil your child rotten"Gaby said excited. "Congrats sis. I so happy for you, I'm glad you have found the happiness you deserve." My brother said as he also hugged Gaby from behind.


Four months later

My belly has gotten bigger and rounder. As wolves our pregnancy lasts for 6 months in stead of 9. This is because the baby develops faster than a human does. Both Logan and I wanted to keep the gender of the baby a secret till it is born, so neither of us know if it's a boy or girl. To say the least I am more than excited. I really can't wait to meet my bobsled of joy.


Two months later

Gaby and my brother came  to the pack to visit since Gaby didn't want to miss the chance in meeting our baby.

"Can the both of you be quiet I am trying to watch a movie" both me and Gaby yelled at our idiotic mates that were arguing over something small. I get up and walked to the kitchen but before I do  "Joy why are your legs wet?" I look down only to see that my water broke.

"Logan call the pack Doctor" I said as I got a sudden pain "hurry, this baby is impatient " "she is on her way" he said . He them carefully picked me up and  took me to our room. "Ahhh. Logan I swear once I am out of this situation yell never allow you to touch me ever again " I tell at him As I cry in pain.  "Calm down love and take deep breaths" he said while trying to hold my hand. I give him a murderous stare "why don't you breath. Your not the one pushing a human out of it body" I say as I cry out in pain.

"Joy just take deep breaths" he begged "will you stop with 'breadth' before I chop off your balls and feed them to you" I threaten him causing him to stay quit. "On second thought baby I didn't want you to get pregnant yet" I heard Jared tell Gaby as they both watched me. "What are trying to imply brother, because right now I am more than happy to help you get rid of you baby sacks" I narrow my eyes at him.

He's hole his head "Gaby and I will go wait for the doctor out side so if you excuse us" they both left as if their lives depended on it. A few minutes later the doctor walked in and came to me. Alright Luna everything will be fine. Take deep breaths and push when I tell you" she lifted the end of my dress up and opened my legs. "I can see the head. Push Luna push" she said. I pushed with all my might and yelled throwing my head back in pain. "Good Luna keep pushing a bit more" I did as told till I heard a cry. Logan kissed me on the forehead and looked at me with pride and joy. "Congrats Luna, Alpha. It's a beautiful baby boy" she said as she gave him to me. He stopped crying as soon as he was in my arms. I kiss his head "Hey there honey, I've been dying to meet you and so has your daddy" I tell him as he opens his eyes and gives me a bright smile. "Look Logan he has my silver eyes." Logan comes close. I give him his son, but after a few moments of carrying him he starts crying. "I see that he's a mamas  boy" he said with a laugh and hands him to me. I take a hold of him and watch him smile. "What his name going to be?" Asked the doctor as she holds up some papers "Jason" we both answered at the same time.

Both Gaby and Jared came in later on to take a look at their new nephew.

"I love you Joy" Logan told me as he passionately kissed me.

"I love you too"

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