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I wake up to the sound of my alarm, the bright rays of the sun still doesn't hit my windows for it is still dawn; I glance back to the digital clock placed on my bedside table, it reads 5:30 a.m., school starts roughly at 7:00 a.m. so I slide myself off of my comfortable bed.

After settling my body in the tub, I light-headedly played with the bubbles of my bath as my mind was again filled by all the things that happened yesterday.

Songmin was suspended for one month (he could have been expelled though) and even when he comes back, he still won't have the chance to participate in the whole duration of the basketball intercampus regional tournament. He said that he'd be contented for now at just cheering for his team by the sidelines. Pity it is his last year.

Being the information suppressor that our school is, Songmin's suspension was covered by an excuse that he'll be on an out-of-town trip. My perception about our school system greatly stooped down to a lower level. How can they resist on keeping their students ignorant just to maintain their so-called hewn image?

And that is the reason that our guild stands on. I bring myself back to the words that Mr. Cha had said to me the first time I went inside room 6109, "...We will start a conspiracy. We will put this institution into a brighter light." Mr. Cha calls for a coup d'état. He aims for a great change and I am in one with his ideals.

I closed my eyes and remembered the lines I have used in my very own article that will be published to the newest volume of the school's official newspaper. My very first attempt to awaken many.

Masks are what they wear to cover the hideous things that reside there...

I am highly doubtful that that phrase would even catch someone's attention but I am praying that at least one would be able to notice the things that we are trying to convey.


Complete the number sequence below:

16, 06, 68, 88, __, 98


I gaze at Kwon Jiyong's neutral expression as he reads his club initiation question. I tried to contain myself from hitting him as he makes such a bored face. Well, this side of him is not new to me anymore. Him and his arrogant behavior.

(DO NOT SCROLL DOWN JUST YET! Challenge yourselves and solve this one, chinggus! You can do it! ;))

"78. By turning the given numbers upside down you'll get, 91, 90, 89, 88, ___, and 86. Missing number in the sequence is 87. Rearranging it to the problem's format, 87 will become 78." Kwon Jiyong answered coolly. Oh, how I want to COOLLY kill him. Creases started to form in his forehead in confusion as no one confirmed if he was correct or not. It's not like he needs to question anymore, I know that he knows very well that he's right but still he waited.

The guild members sheepishly inserted their index fingers into their mouths. Oh God.

"What—" Kwon Jiyong was cut short when the members already pressed their fingers into his forehead. He was beyond appalled.

Into The Mysterious Guild (A Daragon fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now