Promised Lunch

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Kiyong took me out and we headed to the school garden; different types and sorts of flowers bloom, large and small trees stand, stone tables and chairs are slightly scattered around to be occupied, but the most attention seeking structure in the school garden is its beautiful and prodigious greenhouse. I close my eyes as the refreshing wind hits my face; the word 'paradise' suddenly registers in my head.

"This spot okay for you?" He asked me when we stop to a table just near the greenhouse, "Somehow gives us a view of the whole landscape of the garden, doesn't it?"

I take a look around in awe and I am in agreement to what he said, "You're right, this place's perfect."

"I'm glad you think so." He cheerily smiles, cute folds visible just right under his eyes. Cute folds, I kind of remember someone who said those words already. "This spot has been my all time favorite."

"You go here often?"

"Well, yeah, sometimes. When I need to find solace, some time away from Bom's blabbering." He threw back his head looking at the sky with a weary expression, "Just what did I do in my past life to receive this kind of torturous fortune?" Kiyong turns to me, "You will not understand how stressful it is to have her as a sibling, you will never understand."

"I think I do not want to understand how it feels in the first place." I laughed. Though I immediately stopped when I noticed the way he looks at me, "What?" I asked.

"Your laugh is so nice." He coughs and turns his head away from me, but my sight catches his ears' color slowly befall into some deep shade of red.

Upon seeing that, I felt another surge of weird happening inside me, but it doesn't make me feel bad at all, in fact, I kind of like it. Why is this occurring to me though? I don't understand.

Is my laugh really nice? I asked my subconscious.

"Wow, I like it when you laugh. It's so weird. It sounds like a 12 year old gal undergoing puberty, all giddy since her hormones are all raging especially when she sees her crush."

My eyes automatically shut in irritation as Kwon Jiyong's voice fills my head. He doesn't fail to aggravate me even though his presence is not within my reach this time, huh? And to think that he is now a part of the club I belong in, I just can't help but inwardly groan every time I am reminded of that fact. Just when will I experience peace again?

That's his challenge to me though, since we will be receiving the same amount of curricular points by this time, our grades in academics will be the only thing that will decide and declare who is the winner in this bloody competition.

Well, don't you worry, Kwon Jiyong. I was not brought into this world just to back out in such competition. I will make sure that I'll take back what's really mine.

I snapped out of my vengeful thoughts when Kiyong placed the hand-carry bag he was carrying for a while already on top of the stone table. He actually had it with him by the time we went out here, I only forgot to ask him earlier what's in it. The bag however looks like it contains a lot.

"It had slipped from my mind but I'm still curious, what's in the bag?"

His cheerful and all cordial smile makes a comeback, "Our lunch." He started to bring out food containers from the bag, "I made all of it myself." Kiyong said, his tone slightly touched with the sense of being proud. "I woke up at 4 o'clock in the morning and started preparing these, I was really excited—you probably think that this is very weird of me, huh? Admittedly, I'm really into cooking ever since I was young."

"No!" I vehemently denied, exaggerating my answer by waving my hands feverishly, "I find men who know how to cook very charismatic and responsible."

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