Live It Up

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It's a command people tend to overlook. He starts to acknowledge the command, but is drawn away again with the distraction he's been given.


Most will briefly consider it, some even take interest and do as they're told. He just scrolls, he doesn't want your attention, he's too busy getting detention for the distraction.


Others would pause, open their ears. Him? He hears nothing, he has too many fears. His fears are weak and pathetic, like most others, but this time you wish he'd not give you the cold shoulder, instead give you something warm, something tangible. Something you desperately need for him to give you.


Their greeting is silent, they don't match your gaze. You don't know when you last spoke to them, you think it's been one hundred days. It's been a thousand or more by the time you see him, but his greeting is worse. This greeting is coarse- hoarse voiced, insignificant. It's the first time he's used his voice in weeks.


The silence gets to him, he's used to the background drabble. He looks up and around, then down at the ground. You've left him, he notices, you gave up. He knew it would happen from the beginning, but he's too busy scrolling. 

He finally stops, puts the phone down, once more looks around. He's done, you see, in all the senses of the words. He knows the phone's clipped his wings like a broken bird. The broken bird can still learn to fly, but this bird hasn't your eyes.

The encouraging eyes that once held warmth, love, compassion, are long gone. He realized too late what was really going on. Had he looked up, maybe he would've seen that you were there when the others were gone. You were there as he just scrolled on.

He looked up too late- maybe it was fate. Damn, but don't you know? Fate can be changed, and this I can show. You're reading this now, you're reading and reading and reading, never looking up. Are you unaware of the things you've passed up?

What happened to the man who swore he'd stay by your side, what happened to him when the love died? The love that was once for him, turned over to an expensive invention. If you really want to stop being sad, you'll look up and let yourself get mad, upset, happy, excited.

You'll look up and feel. Feel the wind, the sunlight, the love and warmth coming all from the one you were destined to meet. You can't meet them if you don't look up, speak up, and live it up. Fears and tears can be overcome, but the years that long passed are long since gone.

Don't waste anymore, take the advice of a madwoman. This is the only time she'll tell you;

Live it up.

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