25- He's Always There

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I had an amazing time at the Yaari wrap up party and was currently attending to different promotional activities for the film. According to the plan, the DhoomBros and I had meet and greets in different states of America. It was so much fun actually meeting those Dhoomies that I just talked to, online, but never met. I gave out my autographs and pictures to fans and felt so amazing being famous, just like Hussain had said. We had also given out some Yaari graphic T-shirts and other accessories. Db's fan following had increased immensely eversince they had started communicating more with dbnation. All four of them thanked me for helping them realize the value of their fans and I felt really special. Although, all I did was convey to them what the whole dbnation felt.

As soon as the film releases, I'll also be attending a few interviews with the guys, related to my role.

The guys and I had gathered up in a café as we discussed some more promotional activities.

"So guys, we're done with meet & greets in America, what about abroad?" Shehry starts.

"We should definitely go abroad." Waqas nods in agreement.

"But...." Hussain turns to look at me. "Do you think you can come, Maleeha?" Oh no ! What do I say to him? Think Maleeha. Think !

"Umm... I don't think so. I need to study for my mid terms."

"Oh, it's okay." He smiles reassuringly. I guess he understood what a failure I had become. I can't believe I lied, again. And this time, not to my family, but Hussain.

As the guys continued discussing their promotion plans, I just went into deep thought.

Life has been a complete roller coaster ride for me ever since I came to America. There were times when I was the happiest girl in the world because I got that which I had always wanted. Love....

But then there were also times when life threw me apart with terrible grades consequently blurring my vision of ever being successful.

Can't deny the fact that I'm a huge cry baby but I've been crying a lot lately because of my falling grades and I haven't even informed my parents about them. I remember Hussain reminding me of a chance to give a re-exam. Little did he know, I can never even show my face to my parents and ask for more money for a re-exam. And now, when I told him that I cannot attend promotional tours abroad is not because I have mid-terms, it's mainly because of financial issues.

We're a middle class family, with dad working as a builder for a construction company. Despite his mindless efforts in building unique and stylish skyscrapers throughout the city of Islamabad, he gets paid a really low salary. His company, although being the largest across Pakistan, provides its workers with a sweatshop.

I can never ask him for more money to pay for my re-exam. He's already been taking bank loans to help him finance my tuition fees and is caught up in a lot of debt.

I feel like such a failure to his name, or more. My family's name. Mom and dad have always fulfilled my every need and every single wish and the least they asked for, was a good education from me and....... and I'm not even able to do that for their sake, let alone for my own self.

I felt like crying, therefore I excused myself from the table. Unable to handle my emotions and feeling like a complete failure, I flee to the ladies' toilet of the café and begin to weep silently. I looked at myself in the mirror and could not bear to see what I had become.

I had become so full of myself, I did not think twice about anyone else. My parents worked so hard to send me to America to attain a good education so that I could fulfill my dreams, and here I was wrecking every single hope of theirs and crashing every aim of my own with bad grades and lowering GPA. I sat down in the corner and just cried to myself in deep hurt.

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